Thursday, December 17, 2009

Tri-3, Wk15, Day 200! Thursday - 16/16

2:30 a.m. - less than 6 hours before this Trimester is over -
FUZZY (or maybe it was WOOLY) that was an adjective used in a matching section of our microbiology final exam yesterday! Who uses such subjective adjectives to describe something as scientific as microbiology. Apparently, that adjective was used to describe B-lymphocytes. OMG!
Two students asked the teacher to match up the last section of 5 matching which included things like Fuzzy and the teacher wasn't sure about the first two - oh well, another reason to be glad to be done with that particular class.

Have to study up for the orthopedics test coming up in less than 5 hours now -

I still need to see grades posted for 4 more classes before putting this semester in the bag -
Embryology - (got an A on that final yesterday)
physiology - took wed morning - pending outcome - certainly passed but am hoping I didn't hurt my grade any w/ the final -
Microbiology - probably last grade to be posted
Orthopedics - taking final in 5 hours -

OK - study time.

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