Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saturday Studying, Mon will be day 197

Saturday was a pretty good study day up until about 5:30 p.m. I finished my micro lab paper by noon then made up flashcards and went through test for both Diversified and Pathology.

I stayed about 6 hours at my parents house to help celebrate my brother's 40th birthday. I think for 2010 & 2011 I'd like that celebration pushed off one week so I can get through my finals first, either that or not stay as long. I've just got to get back into the study mode.

As it stands now, I need 20% on the diversified final and 51% on the Pathology final tomorrow to pass both of those classes - unfortunately just passing doesn't help give a GPA high enough to qualify for taking National Boards. I'll have to wait and see how all the grades pan out.

I'll need some time today, Monday, Tuesday and very early Wednesday for physio - my grade in that class is most directly related to quantity of studying.

....planning my studying ....

I've got 200 new test questions and answers to get memorized for Pathology - need to make 176 more flashcards - no problem ...It's never a problem when I know exactly what to do because I'm already putting in the time

Diversified - we get to use our book on this final but, you've really got to know your stuff and exactly where everything is located. I need to get this done/prepped by tonight so it's all readily reviewable tomorrow morning before the test.

Microbiology Lab Paper - already done and it looks nice - worth 100 points!

Philosophy III - I'll be darned - I've got 51/50 in that class ...a 102% average! I did skip the last hour and missed out on one of the extra credit points but got the 8 others that were available via pop quizzes. Heck - not bad! :) Well, it looks like whatever grade I get on the final will be my final grade for the class - maybe an 86% or above will give me an !

Microbiology - I'll have a good three hours before this test to hook up with classmates and study for this final - that's worth a letter grade right there. Monday night will be devoted to Micro/ Philosophy & Physio

OTHER - get paper handed in to Dr. for volunteer work done last week at the St. Louis Science Center. (professional development class)

Sunday Studying -
Pathology - 200 flashcards memorized (5 hours)
Diversified - get book labled & ready, go over all flashcards (2 hours)
Physio - go through old test, already made flashcards & powerpoints (2 hours)
Embryo - spend one hour getting questions & answers into FlashMyBrain program (1 hour)

Monday Studying -
a.m. hours - Diversified
after diversified - Pathology
after path final -
Philosophy - work on review sheet, look for any & all past test & notes
Microbiology - get handouts organized, flashmybrain cards,
Physio - work on review sheets, & same as above
Embryo - 30 minutes - add to flashcards or review what's done

Tuesday Studying -
early morning philo study, micro from 8 to 11:30 a.m.
Physio & Embryo - balance of day and late into the night

Wednesday -
early morning Physio study & then Embryo until 2 p.m.
ALL Orthopedics for the balance of the day and ALL night if necessary - Ortho is a 7:30 a.m. class on Thursday -

Thursday -
You better not even be going to sleep on Wednesday night - just keep moving - drink all the coffee, soda, mountain dew, 5 hour energy drinks necessary - just get through this - study as if your life depended on it -
take the last final at 7:30 a.m. - probably be done by 8 or 8:30 *then* sleep.
Bookstore - Buy whatever books are necessary for Tri-4 before leaving Logan on Thursday.

If money has come in from the last IRA I've cashed out then I can maybe go visit Grandma for a few days - Vacation - bring laptop, external hard drive, get computer prepped for Tri-4.

I like to call today's picture - strategic planning.

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