Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 23 - What Happened ...

Throughout the school day I'm often filled with wonderful thoughts, appreciation and often amazement from all the new material I'm learning but at the end of the day, after I get home and it's time to blog then my mind is often numb and I'm sometimes hard pressed to even remember what classes I went to during the day without referencing my schedule.  

Given proper rest though, things start to come around and make sense.  There have been several times when I've actually noticed changes in my brain perhaps in the sense of either new neural pathways being created or existing pathways being strenghtened.  

Since starting ASP and continuing now through the DC program I've noticed psychological changes as well.  I'm kinder to myself.  There is very little internal bashing or berating of myself which I believe is due to the tremendous amount of effort going into this endeavor.  Internally, I stick up for myself more.  

I've noted the difference between feeling good and feeling good about myself.  I could go out and get drunk and probably feel good and it would last a little while or I can study hard and get a good grade on a test and end up feeling great about myself and that is a nice attribute which culminates with each successive victory.  

A number of years ago I did a thought experiment in which I was able to justify a conclusion that a lack of specific progress by an individual isn't necesarily due to a lack of talent or ability but rather by too much talent and ability.  The crux here is that with an overabundance of ability there can be a straining factor on ones ability to focus which in turn can have a limiting effect on results.  

What did I do today???  I'm not sure ...we started with biochemistry, then spinal analysis, then I studied all I could for our anatomy test.  Then we had cell biology and then I did marginally better than adequate on my anatomy test.  Not horrible but not exactly the kind of test you'd want to hang from the refrigerator.  

Our fourth test of the week is tomorrow in spinal anatomy.  I need to get to bed soon and hope I don't sleep too much but am a bit concerned because I only got three hours of sleep last night and maybe 4 hours the night before ....I just have to gut it out one more day so I can get the time necessary to study for this test ....
I could sure use the extra two hours per day I would gain if I were living close to campus instead of 50 miles away's really taking a toll.  I'm thinking my sleep could be 5 & 6 hours for the last two nights instead of 3 & 4 ...

That hour drive seems to knock me out of the study mode a bit also.  The stress inherent with rush hour driving seems to be just another thing I need to decompress from mentally.  

I know I should be able to get an A out of this spinal anatomy class if I had more time.

I'll just have to get even more efficient at using every last drop of time I have at my disposal!  :)

toodles!  :)

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