Tuesday, March 2, 2010

TRI-4, Wk8, Days 233 & 234 - Mon & Tue

Finished up with NBS (National Board Specialist) reviews early today and went straight to the gym on my way home. I just need to stay on top of things and focused this month - we've got a couple midterms this Thursday and three more next week then 660 questions worth of NBCE Part I questions the following week -

...I'm trying to think of a way to maybe use the blog here to help increase productivity by increasing accountability -
- imperfect plan now is better than perfect plan later -
I'll set about memorizing 20 things pertaining to pathology - that's my imperfect plan and it starts now at 3:20 p.m.

[Update] - 6:30 p.m. ...things sure do take time - well, i put 22 things in my head regarding the GI Tract ...that sure doesn't go very far considering those 22 things only cover the first four of 20 different questions we need to know regarding the GI tract. but, it's a start and more than I knew before I started.

We also have a chiro philosophy exam on Thursday so I should probably see what that's about and I'd also like to get down more pathognomic things - Pathognomic are those conditions or symptoms which point to one disease only (or 99% of the time). For instance, Blue/Green pus is associated with Pseudomonas Aeriginosa - gotta remember that as well as any other pathognomic thing I can dig up.

Next imperfect plan - See what Thursday's test is going to be over in Phil IV. It's 6:40 p.m. now.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Scott, Ann here from Ireland. Hang in there, you will be done before you know it! You sound very well prepared :)
