Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, Wk10, Day 243 - Monday

The most common cause for bone cancer is "Mets from someplace else" as in Metastasis - shows up in the vertebrae as ivory white - along with Paget's dz (aka Osteitis Deformans) and Hodgkin's Lymphoma - Prostate cancer causes hyperosteoblastic activity 80% of the time which can cause the L4/L5 veterbrae to appear bright white on x-ray.

Both Ortho and Pro-D were cancelled today so we had a 4 hour break. I got adjusted during my lunch hour and was on a traction machine for my neck and laid on some heating pads - good time.

I've got to stay focused and get to bed early - one piece of advice I've heard from everyone taking the boards is to get plenty of sleep the week leading into boards - I should be in bed by 9:30 tonight.

NMS lectures today included extensive talk on the subject of sympatheticotonia which was a phrase coined by a Dr. Korr. The doc was a PhD at an osteopathic school and studied the phenomina of sympatheticotonia starting in the 1940s and researched it for over 20 years. It deals with hyper sympathetics and research is still going on today on this topic.

A premise of subluxations is that they block the bodies natural tendencies of inhibition - inhibiting an inhibitor is known as disinhibition - a chiro removes subluxations and the inhibition of the inhibitors is removed which means we get to settle down the hyperactive sympathetics.

With conditions such as neurocardiogenic sympathy (NCS) which, is an increase of parasympathetics, MD's may treat such a condition with beta-blockers which are sympathetic inhibitors...
It would appear that in an attempt for the body to stay in a state of homeostasis, an increase of parasympathetics by the body is met with an increase in sympathetic stimulation - to reduce the sympathetic stimulation (via the beta blockers) is to help decrease the parasympathetic condition of NCS.

Another interesting thing I learned today was that lymph nodes are innervated by sympathetics.
This is interesting - I did a quick search on a Rene Cailliet, MD & director the the department of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the University of Southern California. The Dr. talks about the importance of a lordotic (or normal) curve in the cervical spine. He states incorrect head position leads to improper spinal function and a head in forward posture can add up to thirty pounds of abnormal leverage on the cervical spine which can pull the entire spine out of alignment. Forward head posture can also result in loss of vital capacity of the lungs, by as much as 50% which can then lead to heart and blood vascular disease. There is also a loss of gastrointestinal function as well as an increase in pain because proprioceptive signals from the first 4 cervical (upper neck) vertebrae are a major source of stimuli which create the boy's pain controlling chemicals (endorphins) With inadequate endorphin production, many otherwise non painful sensation are experienced as pain. the complete article may be found here

Anyway - Dr. Rene writes a column known as the "Pain Series" and is finding sympatheticotonia as being present in many diseased states.

I guess the moral of today's blog is to get adjusted regularly to help avoid sympatheticotonia as well as all the hardships associated with a misaligned spine.

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