Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tri-7 Wk5 Day 420 - St. Peters

We had our lottery today and I'm going to be out as far away from home as possible which means ...I wasn't very lucky with the lottery ;)

Oh yeah, I had a message sent to me from a reader of this blog. I believe it's the first message I've gotten so I'll do my best to answer it, here is the question from Marie


Scott, what motivated you to enter chiropractic at age 43?

Well, I entered at the age of 41 and will be graduating at the age of 45. Maybe it's from Helen Keller who said, "life is either a daring adventure, or nothing". The daring part was leaving a good job where I had 7 weeks vacation and great benefits not to mention the financial impact but ...why not? :)

The age aspect is pretty irrelevant to me. To me, I'll probably end up being 45 anyway so why not be a chiropractor when I reach that age or, whatever else I'd like to become?

When it got down to making the actual decision to leave my job and pursue this new adventure I ended up with a list of 26 reasons to make the move. I know I mentioned that 26 reason list in previous blogs but, don't always remember all of them. I know I've recalled some of those items since reading that question yesterday but ...heck, right now I don't remember which ones I remembered.

I know the reasons ranged from altruistic to pragmatic.

Some time ago, I read an article that stated by the time a person gets to be about my age (maybe a little younger) that there is a tendency to be doing what they wanted to do when they were 6 years old. When I was six, I wanted to either be an astronaut, doctor or magician and, probably in that order. So, there has been a long time interest in medicine and being a doctor.

I don't know, haven't you ever wanted to know all the stuff that a doctor knows? I have and maybe it's a thirst for knowledge but I definitely have not been disappointed with the vast amount of knowledge we've been taught.

There are definitely more reasons than I have time for right now. I just got a message from a fellow classmate that I'm working on a project with that's due tomorrow so I'll have to get to that.

Tomorrow morning is our Card Ceremony and my parents will be there. It's a little celebration for Tri-7 students who have passed their competency boards (including the OSCE!) and have become interns and entered clinic. :)
not sure what to put for the pic of the day ....let me take a look it!

OK, now you're probably asking yourself why I would put up a picture of an eye with hyphema, aren't you? Well, it's because I ran across that word today in my reading and couldn't remember what it was so, it's kind of fortuitous that I came across it in one of my school folders. :)
Hyphema, btw is blood in the front area of the eye.

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