Friday, November 26, 2010

T6 Wk12, Holding @ 387 - Friday & FOCUS

I'm studying a great deal of the time. So much so, that trying to fit in more time to study may not be as fruitful an endeavor as striving to increase my focus during the times I am studying. I'm going to start a pattern and have written up in a Word document a set of personally imposed criteria to help me focus more on my school work and get more out of the time I spend studying. This is what I have so far on my list:
  1. Turn Off Television - this normally isn't a concern but, during our holiday break, I've had my television on more often than normal.
  2. Turn off NetFlix - Netflix isn't much good w/o the television on. I *might* opt for classical music in the background while I study.
  3. Shut down fgs. this is an extension for facebook games. Obviously, I don't want to be dealing with games if I want to get the most from my study times.
  4. close all browsers not related to school work. I have 4 sub listings for this which include a) close gmail, b) close Facebook, c) close any IM programs running (usually aren't any other than gmail) and d) minimize bookmark bar. (less to look at means less chance for distraction)
  5. put in ear plugs, if available ( i have some in now!) :)
  6. Set phone to silent. I'm not sure how crazy I am about this one but, if my goal is to maximize productivity and focus then it's probably worth doing.
  7. Set up a time frame to focus on school work. for example, I'll start at 3:15 and stop at 3:45 - basically, I'm just scheduling my time
  8. no cigarettes. probably good for my health also but, if i have a cigarette in my hand then that's one less hand I can use for typing or turning pages besides. I need to learn to get used to doing things w/o them.
  9. be showered, cleaned up, dressed and ready to study ....I threw this on one at the end and maybe there's something too it. as long as I'm getting things done I don't much care what I'm wearing or if I've showered or not. However, there could be some positive psychological advantages to getting these basic things done, even on my days off school. It's sort of like that philosophy about "Live each day as if it were on purpose"
It's 3:43 p.m. now. I'll go for a half hour of school focus to start with. I suppose blogging this stuff gives me an extra measure of accountability to help me get things done.

updates to follow ....

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