Friday, April 2, 2010

TRI-4, Wk12, Days 256, 257 - Wed & Thur

I'm a little shell-shocked right now. Last week I got A's in both Pathology II & Nutrition. I haven't gotten my grade back for our x-ray marking test but it's probably an A or very high B at the very worst. NMS seems to be my nemesis class this trimester - The NMS grade has been posted and, as it stands - well, let's just say it has to improve in order to get to Tri-5. We have 10 different classes along with 3 associated labs and every class has to be up to snuff in order to continue.

It's almost a surreal situation because I have such strong grades in all the remaining 9 classes as well as all the practicals I've taken in my 3 labs.

Time to Attack.

Dr. Christy, our NMS teacher has 45 pages worth of notes he's posted for our class. I've read through parts & pieces of those notes before but now I'm thinking I should read ALL of those 45 pages every day from now until the final NMS exam.
Mathematically speaking - I only needed to get an additional 4 questions correct in order to have legitimately passed that last exam. So, if I were to score 8 more above on the next exam then the average between yesterdays test and our last test will be a passing score.
The final is 35 questions and 20 of those questions will come from the preceeding 3 test we've had. Therefore, simply memorizing the correct answers (all 105) from the first three test (of which we've only had 2 so far) will be giving me 57% of the test in hand.

As lost as I seem to be in that class I can't help thinking that I'd have to be a moron not to be able to get through his class - Still, it's going to take plenty of effort. I only have the test and answers to our first Exam and won't see Dr. Christy until next Wednesday, at which time I'll get Exam 2 back, along w/ the answers. I wonder if Dr. Christy is at school today - I might have to make a trip up there if he is in order to get this last exam sooner.

Let's see - I need a little better than a C on the next exam - 72% and then simply pass the final in order to pass his class.

AND - in addition to the focus for his class I need to maintain an already high amount of effort in my remaining 9 classes. I kind of need to review how I'll allocate my efforts for my classes in these remaining 21 days - 8 more classes - up to 5 days for Final Exams - 21 days total including weekends and spring break.....

  1. Basic Nutrition - Currently sitting at an A - minimal effort needed to get through this class - maybe 15 minute daily reviews with an hour or two of studying just prior to our next test and the final
  2. Physiology III - Generous amounts of time needed for this class. I need a very solid grade (B or better) on the next exam. The final is somewhat formidable since it is cummulative not only over this semester but also includes the last two semesters of physio - so, it's basically like taking boards again but only for Physio. ACTION - find all previous Review Sheets, fill in new reviews - study often.
  3. Pathology - I *think* our next exam may also be our final exam - I'm not sure if we have one more test then the final or if our next test will count as the final. ...OK - according to our syllabus our next test over Ch's 20, 21 & 23 will be count as our Final Exam - this is one of my strongest classes. Two weeks of consistent review before the final (probably on Tue, April 20th) should get me another A and a pretty good shot at getting an A in the class.
  4. Professional Development - no real effort needed and only one class left! Show up for class on Monday, April 12th, take the final and be done w/ it - just show up - this is a pass or fail class - piece of cake! (just show up) ;)
  5. Philosophy IV - another considerable effort class. We have a final presentation as well as a quiz and more homework due on the 8th - Our presentation date is unknown, could be the 8th or the 15th (names are drawn at random). I have the laws for Missouri but need two chiropractors from MO to get E/M codes from. OK - already emailed my brother for contacts in MO and just emailed Dr. Martha up in Springfield, IL I'll. I can also get 1% added to my grade for taking that palpation challenge.
  6. Orthopedics II - just need time to memorize and be able to perform all the ortho moves and study for the final. My practical should be on Tuesday, April 13 and final sometime btw 16th - 22nd.
  7. Diversified III - We'll have an open book final and a lab practical in two weeks. The practical & final are cumulative - need to practice the adjusting moves.
  8. Logan Basic Technique II - another practical - just have to get the moves down.
  9. Neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) Diagnosis - my bug-a-boo class - amazingly interesting material - I'm not exactly sure why I'm not doing better. I know my focus for the material is a bit difficult. I'll keep at it - At this point, this is the only class that could hold me back.
  10. Fundamentals of Diagnostic Imaging - I've got a solid B in this class and if that can be raised up to a B+ on my own then the extra 4% I'll get for perfect attendance could raise me up to an A. :) It looks like...whatever grade I get on the final (B, B+ or A) will end up being my final grade in the class due to those four extra percentage points.
I guess this is classic, plan your work then work your plan type of approach. - No problem - I only need the ultra discipline for the next three weeks - I can do this.

Today's pic - The End is Near... so true :)

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