Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tri-3, Wk10, Day 177 - Thursday :)

Let's see...what happened today....

Class Summary

Diversified & Orthopedics
Spent the first three hours in a gown going over adjustments and orthopedics testing

We were looking at x-rays the other day in orthopedics of a patient who had Harrington Rods put in his vertebrae and an amazing part about the x-rays was in a follow up x-ray taken two months later. In a typical x-ray of the spine, the place occupied by our disc is usually black, those disc don't show up on x-ray because they are so hydrophilic and are generally at least 70% water. Once this pt's lumbar disc were fused with Harrington Rods, they became immobile and the follow up x-ray showed calcification on the lumbar disc. So, instead of being transparent on the x-ray we could easily see the disc due to calcium buildup taking place on the disc itself.

Motion, movement and regular chiropractic care can go a long ways in helping stave off or even prevent such things from occurring in most people - at least, that's the take I'm beginning to get from all the knowledge I've gained at Logan thus far.

Embryology -
Interesting as always. The teacher brought up Albumin, which is a protein and I was just reading about albumin in my pathology book last night and then we saw albumin again in physio today while discussing the renal system. You should not be finding Albumin in your urine. Decreased colloid osmotic pressure is one of the reasons for edema - albumin is a big player in that scenario.

Public Health -
Just got some more basic info regarding public health. I think we talked about accidents and other exciting things today ....

Physiology -
Dr. Iggy sure can rattle things off. It's a bit disquieting but, I recorded the class and am burning a DVD right now so I can go back over the class lecture and pause when necessary in order to more fully get everything he's talking about.

That's it - gotta get back to studying pathology. Might get to bed early tonight, I'm pretty tired now and might to go bed *very* early and just hit the studying when i get up which should be around midnight or 1 a.m. if I go to bed now.

Today's pic is an x-ray of a vertebrae with Harrington Rods inserted. Scary stuff but, sometimes necessary.

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