Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tri-8 Wk9 Day 499 - Friday - 7/8/11

What happened this day???? I think our Dx Imag IV grades were posted and, in spite of meager preparation on my part - actually none, I still did fine and will get through that class as long as I don't Attendance Fail (AF).
I had clinic Friday. No patients, not on any list to take walk-ins, just needed to be there. I did get to talk to a classmate at lunch who was loving this semester so I asked him how many clinic days he had per week. He seemed a bit perplexed by the question and answered 'three' then was surprised to learn I've had mandatory 5 day per week clinic since the beginning of last month.

Monday is going to be our 500th day of class. Amazing. 500th day in the DC program which correlates to about 3,500 hours worth of classes. I've got so much to do.

I did skip the Loomis Internal Health Specialist (IHS) program this weekend. I guess I'm starting to have a psychosomatic effect with regards to driving. The thought of getting into my car for another jaunt to Logan literally made me queasy. I've definitely felt like throwing up more times this semester than any other time in my life.
I checked my mileage from the last time I got my oil changed and was a bit stunned to learn I've put in 4,000 miles of driving in the past 6 weeks - that's over 650 miles per week and I tend to ride my motorcycle locally so the vast majority of those miles are nothing but school related. It's just insane.

I just need to get to work. Unfortunately, the first thing on my agenda today is to get my car in to have my tires rotated and hope to god that has a positive effect on driving performance. It should help but I really thing my ball bearings are going out.

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