Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tri-7/8 Wk 14 Day 454 - Friday, 1st Day of Finals

[1 p.m. -ish] We had our GIUG and PT written finals on Friday and next on the list is AK & Endocrinology on Monday at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. respectively. Nothing has been posted yet for either of Friday's finals. I did get a 92% on this past Thursday's Activator practical.

We sure learned a lot in GUIG, that's definitely a staple class. It's changed my views and perspectives of the entire GI system for the better.

My writing mind is kind of cold today but I know I've had a plethora of topics ruminating through my head over the past few days. Guess I'll focus on the immediate future for now. It seems a little odd but, I believe I'm actually off today & tomorrow extra classes, no board reviews, no clinic, nothing. Speaking of clinic, a lot of my patients never showed up the past 2-3 weeks so that kind of put me in a bind w/ my numbers and I ended with 43 adjustments.

For AK, I'll just need to memorize a table or two worth of material then I should have no problems getting through that class. Endocrinology is over diabetes mellitis and will take a bit more conceptual understanding as well as memorizing.

Tuesday is Gonstead & Geriatrics.

[4 p.m. -ish] ok, 5ish now ....
and the cortex needs to be stimulated to a degree sufficient enough to induce proteins to form memory ... I'm thinking now that I've ate some things are easier to remember. As I've been thinking, sometimes we'll do things like exercise or improve our diet to help improve ourselves but, sometimes we need to do those things in order to simply slow the progression of degenerative processes. In a way, healthy living can act as a parachute to help stave off the entropy inherent with life.

I think there is value in this type of thinking. For the past two months or so I've been exercising pretty diligently but I still haven't noticed a huge surge in energy or a 32 inch waistline or anything like that which would indicate obvious improvement but, then I think, how would things be if I hadn't been exercising? How much of a parachute did that exercise act like and how much worse off would I be if I hadn't been exercising. With that type of thinking, a person can always rationalize benefit then, maybe over time, the more obvious types of benefits will present themselves.

Anyway, I need to start hitting the books - AK is on the menu for tonight, at least a few hours of it.

Today's picture is of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. That's the name I first learned it as. Now-a-days I think the updated terminology is CRPD, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. As this x-ray image demonstrates, bone is washed away. There is a mortality rate associated with CRPD which is usually due to suicide which tends to be secondary to physicians being unable to diagnose this disease. It can be self limiting and correct within a decade or so. Trauma can be an etiology to this disease, such as a post surgical incidence.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott !! Good job on the activator class, good luck and sending prayers your way on the rest ... never heard of what you mentioned in the picture but rather interesting..
    Glad to hear you actually have some time to get some studying in.. maybe even some sleep!! ;)
    Love you, mom
