Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tri-2, Wk13, Day 120, Tuesday - Rocked GrossII Practical!

What a piece of cake this Gross II practical was compared to the first Gross II practical!
OK, I'd like to gloat but I really need to focus and study - it's 4 p.m. now - This part of the blog is to help me keep accountable. We've got 3 more chapters to cover in Neuroanatomy and I'd LOVE to get all the questions for each chapter answered tonight. I'm not sure how realistic that is but I really want to give it a shot - I'll edit this post later on tonight with an update of my progress. I'll be working on Chapters 22, 23 & 19 tonight.
Thanks again go out to Mom and Dad for helping make these good grades possible :)

11:30 p.m. Well, I was steadfast in my efforts and finished chapter 22 up around 10 or so. I was getting things ready for tomorrow when I noticed a take home quiz we got today in Neuro that's due tomorrow. I'm pretty much dead tired though and need to get some sleep. I've got a two hour break tomorrow and will work on the quiz w/ classmates.

We learned some interesting things today in neuroanatomy. We talked a bit about the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (that's another one of those words w/ the 'o' in the middle).
Each day we make about 450 to 600 ml of CSF and the cranial and spinal cord regions only hold about 150ml so there's a turnover of CSF about 3 to 4 times every day. CSF is made in the brain, in areas called the choroid plexus.
Most water bottles come in half liter sizes which is 500ml so the brain makes that much or 20% more than what's represented by a water bottle every day.

The brain weighs about 3 pounds but, when suspended in the CSF, it is bouyant, like a rubber ducky floating in a bathtub so the weight of the brain that the body has to bear is actually a little less than 3 pounds. This buoyancy helps take pressure off arteries and nerves.

There's so much more I'd like to share but I really need to get to bed. I guess we're up to 19 test over the last 13 days ...heck - i still have a workout blog to get done

Today's picture is just of the word Focus.

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