Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tri-10 Wk09 Day ? - Saturday, March 10th, 2012

Super fascinating day! :)
Darn long day as well. I had to be up by six - hit the road at 7 and didn't get back until just a few minutes ago at 8 p.m.
This weekend I have two things overlapping a bit - it's my last weekend of Advanced Basic - a specialized technique and another session of my Internal Health Specialist program. Both are rather fascinating.
We had a pretty cool display this morning of having people march in place with eyes closed and no sound - this took vestibularcochlear aspects out of play and forced us to rely solely on proprioception. We had four students at a time do this and people would either end up rotating to the right or left, veering forwards or backwards and we could get a darn good idea of what was going on with their spines and where scoliotic type curves were present - Our teacher - Dr. Montgomery, is just brilliant - so much to share. His Advanced Basic class really should be a staple of the curriculum.

On another exam, we went to the cranial nerves and had specific things we were looking for when we did simply test like checking a patients cardinal fields of gaze. These abnormalities were able to indicate atlas and sometimes axis (C1 & C2) subluxations. The really cool part was we could see these anomalies, then adjust the patients atlas then check again and see the anomalies were gone.
Find a drug that's going to instantly change the neurology of a person with zero side effects! Good luck - ain't going to happen. :)

We also got into acupuncture for scoliosis. Just 8 needles. They ranged from the very top of the head to the lateral side of the little toe. Some of the needles I had in me really elicited a different type of feeling in me. They call the energy Qi - pronounced "Chi or Chee" and, by "they" I'm referring to TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine. Actually the specific type of acupuncture we used was Tsaoist (?) can't think of the exact spelling - it's pronounced like "Dow"

I did learn (and now use) Xu as meaning deficiency which is nice to use on a laptop since up and down arrows don't translate as nicely.

I still need to get to the DoubleTree hotel on a Friday before we have our next Internal Health classes to learn more about the specific enzymes available. There's a lot of nice perks and stuff we can get our hands on even as a student in that IHS class, same for the acupuncture.

Our acupuncture teacher previously only taught advanced acupuncture and we're the first to get him for the 100 hour acupuncture course.

My head is pretty much swimming in new material. I really enjoyed the basic today.

OMG! I *finally* learned the Spears Painless technique for cervical adjustments - *very* cool - very specific. I like it MUCH better than the rotatory break / diversified method.

Heck - I gotta get going here. Tonight is a very special night for two wonderful people. It's their 50th wedding anniversary and I get to help partake in the festivities. :)
What a feat. I just need to get married before I'm 50 then live to be 100 ...well, I guess my wife would need to be able to live another 50 years as well. but, what a trip. What great things could be done.

Gotta Run!

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