Friday, July 9, 2010

TRI-5, Wk9, Day 307 - Foot Levelers

We had a two hour lecture today in the Purser Center sponsored by Foot Levelers which was pretty darn good. There were at least 20 or more DCs and a few MDs in the first two rows. I know the chiro's came from all over the country.

The talk was the same one given during Logan's 75th homecoming just a few weeks ago, I remember seeing it on the agenda as a lecture on "Noisy Joints" which I thought might have something to do with crepitus but was actually something different and much more interesting.

The doctor giving the talk starting by trying to define chiropractic and led us to the familiar notion of quieting down the autonomic nervous system (ANS) then took that a step further, apparently in an attempt to come up with something the general public could relate to and said that we quiet down noisy joints. I'm not sure if that clearly conveys the beneficial effects adjustments have on the ANS but, it's certainly a step in the right direction.

In the past there may have been notions of chiropractors adjusting bones that were out of place or relieving "pinched nerves" but, from all I've learned it's pretty rare for a patient to actually have that condition. If a nerve is impinged upon it's most likely from neurogenic inflammation.

I got a nice comment from Vanessa at today. She's a *very* good writer and I look forward to reading her blogs throughout the week.

Today's lecture would have been interesting to her. I'll have to send her the notes or ppt when I get them. They talked about the three arches in the foot, pronation and I was tickled to death when they mentinoed nocicpetion and the four types of nerve fibers, even mentioning how proprioception inhibits nociception.
A big way those foot levelers works is in many ways related to the Basic type of adjustment we're learning in school as both consider the alignment of the pelvis and it's effect on the rest of the body.

I am ....100% Dead Tired. BUT ...I'm still going to the Pineapple Fest being held at Logan tonight ....which, starts in about 7 minutes (6 p.m.) I can't say I'm looking forward to the 40+ mile drive to get there (seems like I just got home)

Next exam in my mind is Cardiopulmonary Diagnosis ...
I haven't mentioned this before but we're looking at a lot of medical papers from St. Luke's, a nearby hospital, from patients who were admitted, took spirometry test, then given medication like Albuterol then tested again.
Would you believe in all three of the cases we looked at, the patients pulmonary functions were measurably WORSE after the medication!? The benefit was that the patient felt better afterwards. It seems the medication can work to relax & dilate the bronchi and bronchiols but doesn't positively effect the alveoli where gas exchange takes place.

Could you imagine chiropractors giving an adjustment that made people measurably worse? We'd be crucified!

Oh well, eventually things will come around. Some of our DCs have hospital privileges over at St. Luke's where they perform adjustments under anesthesia. Another nearby hospital, River DePaire (?sp) hospital is where our chiro's can go to do rounds with the MD students. I think doing that would be cool. :)

Today's picture demonstrates some of the rationale behind Foot Levelers. Incidentally, all the pictures I found came from Chiropractic sites - no wonder they like us so much. :)

1 comment:

  1. this was so interesting because I always remember how dad alaways complained of his knees hurting him so much and it was really his hip that needed to be replaced, guess I looked at that sort of as a chain reaction, working its way up .... not even thinking of some of these problems starting all the way at the feet... cool...good shoes are very important after all !!! thanks for sharing .. love you
