Monday, July 5, 2010

TRI-5, Wk8, Day 304, Friday

Wow, I always look back on my previous blog to make sure I get the right number day down and I noticed I had a picture of an Egg McMuffin and that post seems like it was put up weeks ago.

I thought the Dx Imaging test was one of the best test I've ever taking. I'm not talking in terms of my grade but in how interesting it was. The first 25 or so questions were based on slides presented at the front of the room, first 15 of those were multiple choice and the remaining 10 were fill in the blank. For the remainder of the exam, 35 or so more questions we had multiple choice, fill in the blank and matching. I just loved the variety. I didn't know everything but, I knew quite a bit and should end up with a solid grade in that class.

Chiropractors & Chiropractic Physicians
I learned from Dr. Sanders that some schools have reputations of churning out Chiropractors and some have a reputation of turning out Chiropractic Physicians. Now, all chiros in the US have to pass National Boards but, apparently some schools do the minimum to help their students get through boards and churn out Chiropractors while other schools such as Logan and I'd imagine Northwestern and probably the Palmer schools have a greater emphasis on the diagnostics and turn out Chiropractic Physicians. That was the gist of Dr. Sanders comments. It's rather interesting and would seem to have ramifications beyond what I have time to express in this blog.
I'd previously learned from Dr. Montgomery that Logan offers 17 different chiropractic techniques, the average number of techniques offered by chiro schools is 4 and some schools only teach 1 technique. I'm thinking the school that only offers one technique is probably the one that turns out straight Chiropractors (by reputation).
Of course, chiros are considered primary level care physicians so, they better know their diagnostics.

Guess I better wrap things up here. My grandma and a couple uncles & their wives are stopping by my parents tonight and I'd like to go over there to visit. I don't think they're getting in until after 10 p.m. so, it's going to be a late night.

Test for this week are Rad Positioning on Wednesday and Physical Dx on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Scott

    I was having lunch in the office today and thought I would drop in and see how you are doing. Don't get too caught up in the semantics of the profession or, as Dr Janse used to call it, the "tribal divisiveness". One of his quotes sticks with me, "Call me not mixer or straight, call me a chiropractor". We are an alternative to the allopathic model but that does not mean we throw the baby out with the bath water. We just approach human health from another point of reference. The patient in front of us is a unique human being and an ongoing process seeking homeostasis. It is our job to uncover the impediments to that process to allow them an opportunity to have a full, healthy life and that will require you to be a "doctor" a "physician" and a "chiropractor" and you may have to refer them for medical assistance at some time, but that makes you no less of a physician. Learn as many techniques as you can and master a couple, even the ones that seem "woo woo" every once in a while cause really fantastic results that I have no way of explaining, but they do.

    Enjoy the time, learn as much as you can and don't worry too much about the philosophical and political differences.

