Monday, October 25, 2010

T6, Wk8, Day 368, Monday

Almost 8:30 p.m. and I'm ready for bed and don't really feel much like blogging or working out ...studying doesn't sound too bad ...maybe not the blog to read if one is trying to get inspired ;)

We had our Jurisprudence exam this morning was a bit different than most test we take at Logan and that's about all I'm going to say about it for now.
I was kind of excited this morning when I heard our Diagnostic Imaging teacher, Dr. Kuhn, mention syringomyelia! This was one of the words I looked up last week and learned about in our Neurology class.

Wow - it's after 9 now's what i got from Dx Imaging today. I'm ending this blog w/ some of the words I looked up during class today. It was nice to already have the link for syringomyelia already bookmarked! :) (doesn't take much to make me happy)

Let's not forget, HLA-B27 (Human Leukocyte antigen B27) is associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and Reactive arthritis. It is even more strongly associated with SI joint disease.
The HLA-B27 would be found on the surface of your cells. it helps assess the likelihood that you have an autoimmune disorder.

Here's the other part I keep forgetting HLA is Human Leukocyte Antigen which is encoded by the B locus in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6. OK, the words in bold were all I needed. ;)
  • Homogentisic Acid - hmmm, it's associated with alkaptonuria which is also known as Ochronosis, the acid in question here turns black when it's oxidized and I need to remember that Ochronosis kind of sounds like Okra which also turns black(brown) when it is cooked and oxidized.

  • hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy - HPOA. if there is no lung disease present then we'll remove the letter P and have HOA. this is a miscellaneous arthritide
  • Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy - HOA :)

  • Gout & Pseudogout - Gout and pseudogout are the 2 most common crystal-induced arthropathies. They are debilitating illnesses in which pain and joint inflammation are caused by the formation of crystals within the joint space.

    Gout is inflammation caused by monosodium urate monohydrate (MSU) crystals.

    Pseudogout is inflammation caused by calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) crystals and is sometimes referred to as calcium pyrophosphate disease (CPPD).

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