Thursday, October 21, 2010

T6, Wk7, Day 366, Thursday - 2 More Boards!

With yesterday making a full year of classes, I divided our total class hours (around 2700) by 365 and figured we've spent about 7 1/2 hours a day, every day for an entire year so far, and we just broached the 1/2 way mark! Awesome! :)

Today was solid. I believe I scored perfect on both of my competency exams. I had to get in line for the breast exam first so I only had about 18 minutes to memorize the sheet relating to what we had to know and I'll be darned if I didn't get it all. I should be able to learn something there regarding learning and memorization. Stress seems to inhibit my learning but pressure seems to enhance it. I'll work at putting more pressure on myself and maybe I'll get away with less stress in the long run. I also rocked the venipuncture (blood draw) practical with time to spare!

The CCR exam was solid but not spectacular. I did remember every portion of the Cervical Regional Exam sheet and ran a little short on time and missed the very last part. I was happy to have at least hit all the other parts. The teacher said I just missed some little things here and there. I know I can do better. I hope my parents will be around for the next one. I only got one evening of practice in with them. I'll have to check with them ahead of time and make some kind of arrangements to practice with someone from school otherwise.

OK, enough of the past. I need to get focused on what needs to be done next. There are specific things I know I should do for each of my classes (or, for most of them anyway) so, I've thought to assign myself a little homework.

Also, we do have a PT written midterm tomorrow and ample time will need to be spent on that but I can't and don't want to get behind in any of my other classes.

Dx Imaging
I've got four tutoring handouts and I still need to finish typing the fourth one into the computer.
An Arthratide album has been added to my fb account and will need to upload samples as I come across them. Other than that I just need to read the book more/again.

Diversified V
I've got some good notes started for our next exam but they're on a scratch piece of paper and should copy those over, outline the related section from my diversified DVD and make up a couple flashcards with the moves on them so I can glance at the cards and do the moves in my head on a regular basis.

Dr Bub - aka Dr. Neurology Extraordinaire ... I have a lot of work to do especially since we have our midterm next week. He gave a lot of definitions today so it's clear I need to know and own those words - Flashcards, Reading and Time are needed.

Dx Imaging II
Another exam we have next week. She gave us a sheet of paper and I think I should know & own what's on that piece of paper as well. All about heart sounds ...S1, S2, S3, S4, murmers, clicks, snaps, regurgitation and all the variations in between. There is a tutoring session tomorrow from 11 to 12 that I'll miss but, I'm hoping to hook up with some of the students that go, maybe over the weekend, to have them tutor me second-hand! :)

oh heck! I forgot about this one - our midterm (MT) is this Monday! OK, that's one thing I'll need to get lined up and looked at over the weekend.

SHC Practicum
Our teacher wants us to take practice histories. I'm going to take some of my parents ...and I still miss Scott, my neighbor, who would have been the other person to partake ...
I'll need to schedule this in and get it done. If I have two done by Monday, she said she would look any over that we have and help us improve. Sounds good to me! :)

Huh? I'm not sure what we're currently doing ...we just had an exam this week.
I need to print out whatever is necessary for the next exam.
Get my reading assignments figured out, then read & learn!

Patient Communication
I just need to remember to dress up in clinic attire for Tuesday so I'll need to get my clothes cleaned again ...which reminds me, I'm planning on going to the gym tonight with some PT flashcards in tow so after my workout I'll spend some time on a nice recumbent bike and look over those cards.

Phys Dx II Lab
We are going over all those heart sounds as well as Jugular Venous Pressure. I need to learn more about this stuff. I need to read what's been assigned.

Dr. De Geer's class! I sure do like him and wish I could have a major chunk of his brain transplanted directly into my head. This is a new section we started today. GABHS is one acronym I learned today which stands for Group A Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus. So, we must have been talking about sore throats & stuff. Wait! I'm supposed to be a doctor someday do doctors refer to a sore throat? They refer to it as odynophagia! (that's another word I need to know and not have to look up!) ;)
I've got some great notes today from that class ...once again THANKS TO THE INTERNET!!!!!
I was able to download the most recent powerpoints from our school website for this class then copy and paste pictures and verbage from the powerpoint directly into a word document.
Without the internet the notes would not have been possible because I wouldn't have had access to the powerpoints.
I also got to look up, learn and elaborate on some new words today! Maybe I'll summarize those at the end.

CCR - Chiropractic Clinical Reasoning
OK, this is a challenging class for me. I am passing but I want a better grade. I had a thought of talking with Dr. Manello to maybe get some tips. If nothing else, simply meeting with her would help to focus me in on the class more. I should do this and I'll add it to my notecard.

PT - Physical Therapy
Our midterm is tomorrow! That's what I'll be doing much of tonight and as early as possible tomorrow morning. A fellow classmate named Lauren also gets to the cafeteria to study bright and early, often times she's there before me. We generally sit at separate tables but next to one another so we can bounce questions off one another. The coolest thing is that her husband, Steve, just started this semester as a Tri-1! I think he's going to make a great chiropractor.

Pro-D, Professional Development
I still need to get another hour (or two) of volunteer work in at the local Humane Society and was thinking about knocking that out this Sunday. I'll need to schedule this and make sure to bring in my sheet to get signed then I'll be done with that requirement.

Well, that's all 13 classes. We only have one more competency board exam to complete and that's for a prostate exam.

Here's some of the stuff I found on the internet today. Most of it I could only look up, get correct spelling but not spend too much time on the site because I had to keep paying attention in class. You know, I just realized that I haven't fallen asleep in any class where I've been able to stay involved and look things up or download necessary class materials. Actually, it's helped to improve some of my personal relationships by helping me keep in touch with friends. I know I was able to share the word odynophagia right when I first learned about it with a very special friend of mine J

Internet Gems I Found Today –
Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard
. This person lived from 1817 to 1894, he was a physiologist and neurologist who, in 1850, became the first to describe what is now called the Brown-Séquard syndrome. OK, so what is that?!
Brown-Séquard syndrome (BSS) –
From the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke we have the following definition. BSS is a rare neurological condition characterized by a lesion in the spinal cord which results in weakness or paralysis (hemiparaplegia) on one side of the body and a loss of sensation (hemianesthesia) on the opposite side. BSS may be caused by a spinal cord tumor, trauma (such as a puncture would to the neck or back), ischemia (obstruction of a blood vessel), or infectious or inflammatory diseases such as tuberculosis, or multiple sclerosis. Cool! Someone else in class knew about this and it's about the spine so I should know about it also.
Spinal Cords Gone Wild! - What a great title! LOL. This is a blog I found (also on called I think the word Dr. Bub used was "syrinx" I need to find out what this means. Hmmm, the site talks about Chiari Malformation (which I have heard of) and Syringomyelia. Found it! (straight from
(sih-ring-go-my-E-lee-uh) is the development of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within your spinal cord. Over time, the cyst may enlarge, damaging your spinal cord and causing pain, weakness and stiffness, among other symptoms. If left untreated, syringomyelia symptoms may worsen, in some cases requiring surgery.
Syringomyelia has several possible causes. The majority of syringomyelia cases are associated with Chiari malformation, a condition in which brain tissue protrudes into your spinal canal. Other causes of syringomyelia include spinal cord tumors, spinal cord injuries and damage caused by inflammation around your spinal cord. (BONUS! Now I know what Chiari malformation is also!!!)
What's that saying? "I LOVE to learn, I just don't always like being taught" ;)

Today's picture is of lymphangitis which is an infection of a lymph vessel.

And ....I found one more word I need to look up which I saw on a test and knew at one time ....
Coryza - Dang! I knew this and forgot about it, i think I even had the word in a blog not too long ago ...Here's the definition from;

A cold in the head. The word "coryza" came from the Greek "koryza" which is thought to have been compounded from "kara", head + "zeein", to boil. The "boiling over from the head" refers to the runny nose, an all-too-familiar feature of a head cold.

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