Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tri-8 Wk5 Day 480 - Wednesday

oh yeah, i had a comment I still need to post about the majority rule thing. In my head I was thinking about things like smoking where, since only 25% of the people smoke and 75% do not then it's alright to toss people who smoke out in sub zero or heat warning temperature
or, with school - a majority of people via the lottery will end up pretty decent so there isn't any need to worry about the exception like me who lives 50 miles away from his clinic and has to be out there 5 days a week -
how freakin crazy is that?!

I started out with 4:30 a.m. alarms on Mon, Tue & Wed ....slept through them until about 5:30ish
My intent was to get out and get some exercise in.
I'm so trashed physically right now it's not even funny.
kind of thinking of riding my bike tomorrow - have to see how my sleep turns out - hate to fall asleep at the wheel of a bike ;)

trying to recall what we did in classes today ....
oh yeah - lots of nutrition this morning -
The teacher actually had pictures straight from a Nobel winning paper from 1986 (circa)
it was the basis for how many think about cholesterol today. upon reflection, it's kind of so-so in light of today's knowledge but, it will be a while before any current studies and research actually become best practice ...research indicates it takes about 15-20 years before what's known actually makes it into "best practice"

Dx Imag III was after that for two hours. Dr. Kettner is always fascinating listening and thank god I record his class because the sleep monster was jumping on me during most of the first hour.
I'm almost too tired to walk.
I'll let the alarms continue to go off at 4:30 because, if nothing else, I've been getting to school on time.
too tired to thik
i have heard I get 6 days off from clinic
I need to use two of those days during our upcoming homecoming otherwise I'll have to go up on Thursday for a case presentation and it will take me twice as long to drive there as it will to listen to the stupid presentations

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