Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tri-2, Wk9 Days 101, 102, 103, 104

Survived - Midterms are Over! -
Last night was the first good nights sleep I've had in a while and I *really* needed it.
The only class I'm in trouble with is neuroanatomy but since I quit pledging the fraternity my studies have continued to improve and I do think I have a very good chance of pulling out of neuro and maybe even improving a few other grades and making it on to Tri-3.
I heard from a classmate tonight that she knew of three people that were dropping neuro in order to focus on their biochemistry class. If I keep up the effort like I've been doing then I should be alright. We're off school this Wednesday for a school event called Field Day. It's when all the Tri's compete against each other in various sporting events. I'll be staying home and continuing to catch up on my school work.
Currently, my highest midterm grade is in physiology. I don't want to put anything on the back burner in order to solely focus on my weaker classes.

There are a variety of things I'd like to write about. Mainly, I'm just glad midterms are over. I was getting tired of going to bed sick every night.

For today's picture I'm picking a powerpoint slide out from neuroanatomy. It shows the neural auditory pathway, the small box at the lower right is a cross section of a piece of our inner ear known as the cochlea. From the cochlea to the part of our brain that processes hearing we traverse a path involving the four auditory neruons listed below

1. Spiral ganglion
2. Cochlear nuclei
3. Inferior colliculus
4. medial geniculate nucleus

after that 4th nucleus, nerve impulses travel to a place in our brain known as the transverse temporal gyrus of Heschl.

I think I picked this picture becuase that pathway is one of the things I learned tonight and have memorized :)

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