Friday, July 17, 2009

Tri-2, Wk10 Days 107 & 108

Thursday (107), and Friday (108)

I've been wanting to learn about electrocardiograms so I could post something that I think my Mom has found interesting but, I don't have that great of a grasp on it which makes it difficult to write about.

The picture for today is a typical secion for a normal electrocardiograph and shows the standard peaks and valleys labeled P, Q, R, S and T. Loosely speaking, the P represents atrial depolarization and the flat part of the line after the P wave is atrial contraction (systole)

QRS is comonly known as the QRS Complex and represents ventricular depolarization and the flat line right after is when we have ventricular systole (contraction).

During T we have repolarization of the ventricles and the flat part of the line after the T wave represents ventricular diastole (relaxation)

You might wonder where the repolarization of the atrial takes place and that would be during the QRS complex - maybe that's why that area is called complex because so much is taking place. ;)
The QRS complex is simply much larger than the atrial repolarization so the QRS complex mask what's going on in the atria.

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