Thursday, September 9, 2010

T6 - Wk1, Day336 - Wednesday

First day of class - didn't get my blog in yesterday but sure thought about it. I'm getting distracted here - I just downloaded a pdf file of P450 inducers and inhibitors ...medically inclined, to be sure but, not exactly having anything to do with any of my current classes.

I did get a new book today! Cecil Medicine, 23rd edition. It's a recommended book for our Neurology class as well as a required book next tri for endocrinology. This new edition just came out last year and I found a 1990 Cecil book in the library that was 21st edition so I'm figuring this 23rd edition should serve me well for a while. The darn thing is over 3,000 pages long! :)

I'm posting a separate blog for today because I think I'm going to outline Chapter 10 in Essentials of Skeletal Radiology for my Thursday (Day 337) blog. Kind of killing two birds with one stone by using word to directly blog a document that I actually need and can use for class as well as share information to whoever cares to read about this stuff :)

I'm kind of starting to get amazed at the amount of stuff i'm recognizing and familiar with. There was a commercial on television the other day talking about menstrual cycles and I'm thinking to myself it sounds like amenorrhoea and I'll be darned if that wasn't the next word that popped up on the screen! :)

Then today, I'm listening to the radio and a local med school is looking for patients with meniere's disease and I suddenly think of meniere's triad ..thinking vertigo, vomiting and tinnitus ...I'm not sure if that's the exact triad of symptoms but I did hear the radio go on to mention the vertigo and ringing in the ears so, it was definitely the same thing :)

I read a bit of neurology in the Cecil Medicine book today. Oh, and Oxford University released a study today about how B vitamins slow brain atrophy in people with memory problems.

Anyway, I need to get focused. Chapter 10 is 170 pages long so I've got my work cut out for me tonight. Look for the outline in tomorrow's post. :)

oh, today's pic is of my Cecil Medicine book :)

meniere's triad

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