Friday, May 22, 2009

Tri-2, Wk2 Days 71, 72 & 73

This closes out week 2 and what a week!  I did make it to my 5:30 to 6:30 a.m. boot camp everyday this week!  :)
I guess it was important enough to me to be getting up by 4 a.m. everyday so I could get to school by 5:30 a.m.  I am going to skip the Monday boot camp since we don't have school and I don't want to drive 2 hours to workout for an hour.  I do want to maintain a stable sleeping schedule and still get up early tomorrow so I'm still in the groove when school and the bootcamp start up again on Tuesday.

I think I got a 4 out of 5 on today's biochem quiz.  What's really amazing is that the one I missed happened to be one of the exact same questions that was on a quiz from a previous trimester and since I recognized the question I quickly put down the answer without really reading or thinking about the question.  All the questions that were different I got right ...I'll have to slow down next time :)

I bought a model of a human skull from the bookstore on Wednesday (finally had time to take it out of the box tonight)  I think it was a good deal.  I had an outrageous fine from the library last semester for being late so I'm thinking $30 for a skull I get to keep is a very good investment.  Besides, I really like that kind of stuff :)

Neuroanatomy Lab is an absolute blast.  I don't have to sit in a chair and there is lots of interaction.  The teacher, Guy, is fantastic.  

I think I might buy a laminated poster from the bookstore which list all the harmful effects of smoking and put it on the door leading into my home from the garage.  I think that's probably the place where I would see it the most.  Of course ...the only reason I am in the garage is becuase I quit smoking in my house before the first Trimester started so my clothes wouldn't stink.

We have a few test next week - Neuroanatomy and Gross Anatomy for sure (that's why I got the skull) that might be it.  We sent over the TCA or Kreb's Citric Acid cycle today which I thought was pretty exciting because I've heard about it for so long and I've seen the confusing circle of chemical reactions before but never really understood any of it.  Last weekend my studying was very productive so I'm expecting the same or better this weekend.  My weak point in studying was after I got home from school.  Tuesdays and Wednesdays are pretty long days at school and I only have about 2-3 hours after getting home before I need to get to bed but I know I can do better on Monday and Thursday.  Maybe I'll draw out the TCA cycle on my white boards before going to bed.  
I'm making a special stand alone DVD from today's biochem class.  Which reminds me, I need to stop by Creve Coure camera this weekend and see if they have a taller tripod for my little Flip video recorder.  I need the camera to see over the girls heads that sit in front of me :)
I moved the camera around a lot today because I didn't want to miss one drop of the TCA cycle.  Currently the DVD for todays class is 24% done so, it should be ready for me by the time I wake up tomorrow (assuming I dont' stay up too late)

Well, I think I'm going to move some clothes from the washer to dryer, draw out that TAC cycle then read some physio.  For some reason I was thinking of re-reading a book called the Go-Go Years which deals with the stock market during the 60s.  I've been thinking of starting an investment club at Logan every since the girl I sit next to asked me about starting up a Roth IRA ...I kind of get excited about weird stuff like that :) 

(an hour later ...)  OK, I was just going to find a picture for today's blog ...then I watched some YouTube videos on the TCA cycle and now it looks like I've designed a t-shirt and have it posted for sale on the internet kidding - here's the link I guess I'll post a picture of the new shirt I created :)  suppose I should order one for myself.  btw - if anyone orders a shirt, I'll make a whopping $2.70!  (that's the lowest royalty level I could set)

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