Saturday, December 8, 2012

Deleting a few Pages - Physical Diagnosis I

Over along the right hand column have been a few pages that don't exactly fit anymore so I'll be deleting a few of them, specifically the pages dealing with Tri-5 and classes such as Physical Diagnosis I, Toxicology (pharmacology), Biomechanics and NMS.  However, in case any of these pages could be of use to somebody I'm going to save each page as a post.

Below are the contents from the deleted Tri-5 Physical Diagnosis I page:

Glossary of Words to Know for Physical Dx I
  1. Abduction
  2. Abruptio Placenta
  3. Accommodation
  4. Acini Cells
  5. Adduction
  6. Adenitis
  7. Adnexae
  8. Adventitious
  9. Alveolar Ridge
  10. Amblyopia
  11. Amenorrhea
  12. Anacrotic
  13. Anesthesia
  14. Aneurysm
  15. Angle of Louis
  16. Annulus
  17. Anosmia
  18. Anthropometry
  19. Apex Beat
  20. Aphakia
  21. Aphasia
  22. Apical
  23. Appropriate for Gestational Age
  24. Apnea
  25. Apraxia
  26. Arrhythmia
  27. Arteriovenous Fistula
  28. Arteriovenous Shunt
  29. Articulation
  30. Ascites
  31. Asterixis
  32. Astigmatism
  33. Ataxia
  34. Atelectasis
  35. Athetosis
  36. Artrioventricular Valve
  37. Austin Flint Murmur
  38. Autonomic Nervous System
  39. Baroreceptor
  40. Barrel Chest
  41. Bartholin Glands
  42. Biferious Pulse
  43. Bifurcated
  44. Bigeminal Pulse
  45. Bisferiens Pulse
  46. Borborygmi
  47. Bossing
  48. Boutonniere Deformity
  49. Bradycardia
  50. Bradypnea
  51. Bronchial Breathing
  52. Bronchial Fremitus
  53. Bronchiectasis
  54. Bronchiolitis
  55. Bronchogenic
  56. Bronchophony
  57. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
  58. Bronchovesicular
  59. Bruit
  60. Bruxism
  61. Bubo
  62. Buccal Mucosa
  63. Bundle of His
  64. Bunion
  65. Bursa
  66. Canthus
  67. Caput Succedaneum
  68. Cardiac Cycle
  69. Cardiac Impulse
  70. Cardiac Output
  71. Cardiac Reserve
  72. Carrying Angle
  73. Cellulitis
  74. Cephalhematoma
  75. Cheilitis
  76. Chemoreceptor
  77. Choanae
  78. Chordee
  79. Chorea
  80. Choreiform Movements
  81. Choroid
  82. Ciliary Body
  83. Circumcorneal
  84. Circumduction
  85. Circumlocution
  86. Claudication
  87. Clonus
  88. Coarctation
  89. Cochlea
  90. Cognition
  91. Colic
  92. Colostrum
  93. Concha
  94. Conductive Hearing Loss
  95. Confabulation
  96. Conjuinctivitis
  97. Consolidation
  98. Contracture
  99. Coryza
  100. Craniotabes
  101. Crepitus
  102. Croup
  103. Cryptorchidism
  104. Cyanosis
  105. Deafness
  106. Decerebrate Posturing
  107. Dermatome
  108. Development
  109. Dextrocardia
  110. Diastole
  111. Dicrotic Notch
  112. Dicrotic Pulse
  113. Diplopia
  114. Dizziness
  115. Dorsiflexion
  116. Dysarthria
  117. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
  118. Dyspareunia
  119. Dysphagia
  120. Dyspnea
  121. Dysrhythmia
  122. Ecchymosis
  123. Echolalia
  124. Edema
  125. Edentulous
  126. Effacement
  127. Effusion
  128. Ejection Murmur
  129. Electrocardiogram
  130. Embolism
  131. Emphysema
  132. Encephalocele
  133. Endocardium
  134. Epicardium
  135. Epigastrium
  136. Epispadias
  137. Epulis
  138. Erythema Marginatum
  139. Esotropia
  140. Eustachian Tube
  141. Exotrophia
  142. Extension
  143. External Rotation
  144. Exudate
  145. Facies
  146. Fasciculation
  147. Fibrosis
  148. Flaccid
  149. Flail Chest
  150. Flank
  151. Flatulence
  152. Flexion
  153. Floater
  154. Fluctuant
  155. Flutter
  156. Fontanels
  157. Foramen Ovale
  158. Fordyce Spots
  159. Fornix
  160. Fourchette
  161. Fovea Centralis
  162. Fremitus
  163. Frenulum, Lingual
  164. Friction Rub
  165. Functional Assessment
  166. Galea Aponeurotica
  167. Gaussian Distribution
  168. Gestational Age
  169. Gingivae
  170. Glaucoma
  171. Goiter
  172. Graham Steell Murmur
  173. Graphesthesia
  174. Helix
  175. Hemangioma
  176. Hemianesthesia
  177. Hemiplegia
  178. Hemodynamic
  179. Hemoptysis
  180. Hernia
  181. Hilus of the Lung
  182. Hirsutism
  183. Holodiastolic
  184. Holosystolic
  185. Homan's Sign
  186. Homonymous Hemianopia
  187. Hydramnios
  188. Hyrocephaly
  189. Hyperesthesia
  190. Hyperextension
  191. Hyperkeratosis
  192. Hyperkinesia
  193. Hypermenorrhea
  194. Hyperopia
  195. Hyperpnea
  196. Hyperresonance
  197. Hyperthyroidism
  198. Hyperventilation
  199. Hypesthesia
  200. Hypokinesia
  201. Hypomenorrhea
  202. Hypospadias
  203. Hypotension
  204. Hypothyroidism
  205. Incus
  206. Induration
  207. Infarction
  208. Infrapatellar Fat Pad
  209. Intermittent Claudication
  210. Internal Rotation
  211. Intertriginous
  212. Introitus
  213. Isthmus
  214. Joint Instability
  215. Jugular Pulse
  216. Keratin
  217. Kiesselbach Plexus
  218. Koplik Spots
  219. Kyphopsis
  220. Lactation
  221. Large for Gestational Age (LGA)
  222. Leukoplakia
  223. Lobule
  224. Locking
  225. Log‑rolled
  226. Lordosis
  227. Lymphangioma
  228. Lymphangitis
  229. Lymphedema
  230. Macroglossia
  231. Malleus
  232. Malocclusion
  233. McBurney Point
  234. Meconium
  235. Mediastinum
  236. Medulla Oblongata
  237. Menarche
  238. Meninges
  239. Meningomyclocele
  240. Menorrhagia
  241. Metrorrhagia
  242. Microcephaly
  243. Midaxillary Line
  244. Midclavicular Line
  245. Midsternal Line
  246. Miosis
  247. Mitral Valve
  248. Montgomery Tubercles
  249. Mucopurulent
  250. Murmur
  251. Murphy Sign
  252. Muscle Tone
  253. Myalgia
  254. Myocardium
  255. Myopia
  256. Myxedema
  257. Nasal Polyp
  258. Nasopharynx
  259. Neurogenic
  260. Nevus
  261. Nocturia
  262. Nuchal Rigidity
  263. Nystagmus
  264. Oligomenorrhea
  265. Oncotic Pressure
  266. Onycholysis
  267. Oropharynx
  268. Orthostatic
  269. Ossification
  270. Otorrhea
  271. Pack‑years of Smoking (PYS)
  272. Palpebral Fissures
  273. Palpitation
  274. Papillae
  275. Papilledema
  276. Paradoxical Pulse
  277. Parasternal
  278. Parasympathetic Nervous System
  279. Parenchyma
  280. Paresthesia
  281. Parietal
  282. Paroxysm
  283. Peak Height Velocity
  284. Peau d'Orange
  285. Pectoriloquy
  286. Pectus Carinatum
  287. Pectus Excavatum
  288. Pedunculated
  289. Pericardium
  290. Perineum
  291. Peristalsis
  292. Petechiae
  293. Peyer Patches
  294. Philtrum
  295. Photophobia
  296. Pica
  297. Pilonidal
  298. Pitch
  299. Plantar Flexion
  300. Pleura
  301. Pleural Cavity
  302. Pleurisy
  303. Plumbism
  304. Pneumothorax
  305. Polydactyly
  306. Polymenorrhea
  307. Postauricular
  308. Posterior Axillary Line
  309. Postmenopausal Bleeding
  310. Postterm Infant
  311. Postural Hypotension
  312. Preauricular
  313. Precordium
  314. Prepuce
  315. Presbyopia
  316. Preterm Infant
  317. Prodromal Event
  318. Prognathism
  319. Pronate
  320. Proprioception
  321. Proptosis, Proptotic
  322. Pruritus
  323. Ptosis
  324. Pubarche
  325. Pulmonary Pressure
  326. Pulmonary Valve
  327. Pulse
  328. Punctum
  329. Purpura
  330. Pyrosis
  331. QRS Complex
  332. Rale
  333. Regurgitation
  334. Retrognathia
  335. Rhonchus
  336. Rigidity
  337. Saccular
  338. Scapular Line
  339. Sclerosis
  340. Scoliosis
  341. Scotoma
  342. Scrotal Raphe
  343. Sebum
  344. Semilunar Valve
  345. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
  346. Sessile
  347. Shunt, left to right
  348. Sibilant
  349. Sign
  350. Simian Crease
  351. Sinus Arrhythmia
  352. Sinus Rhythm
  353. Situs Inversus
  354. Skene Glands
  355. Small for Gestational Age (SGA)
  356. Smegma
  357. Spasm
  358. Spastic
  359. Spotting
  360. Sprain
  361. Stapes
  362. Steatorrhea
  363. Stellate
  364. Stereognosis
  365. Striae
  366. Stridor
  367. Stroke Volume
  368. Stroma
  369. Sty
  370. Subaortic Stenosis
  371. Subcutaneous Emphysema
  372. Subcutaneous Nodules
  373. Subgaleal
  374. Subjective Data
  375. Subluxation
  376. Sulcus
  377. Supernumerary Nipples
  378. Supinate
  379. Sutures
  380. Swan Neck Deformity
  381. Sympathetic Nervous System
  382. Symptom
  383. Syndactyly
  384. Systole
  385. Tachycardia
  386. Tachypnea
  387. Tactile Fremitus
  388. Tail of Spence
  389. Term Infant
  390. Terminal Hair
  391. Thelarche
  392. Thrill
  393. Thrombophlebitis
  394. Thrombosis
  395. Thyrotoxicosis
  396. Tic
  397. Tinnitus
  398. Tonus
  399. Tophus
  400. Tragus
  401. Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn
  402. Tremor
  403. Tricuspid Valve
  404. Turbinates
  405. Tympanic Membrane
  406. Umbo
  407. Valgus
  408. Valsalva Maneuver
  409. Varicosity
  410. Varus
  411. Vascular
  412. Vasoconstriction
  413. Vasomotor
  414. Vasporessor
  415. Vellus Hair
  416. Velocity of Growth
  417. Venous Hum
  418. Venous Thrombosis
  419. Ventilation
  420. Vertigo
  421. Vesicular Breath Sounds
  422. Vestibular Function
  423. Vestibule
  424. Virchow Node
  425. Virilization
  426. Vulva
  427. Water‑hammer Pulse
  428. Webbing
  429. Whispered Pectoriloquy
  430. Whoop
  431. Winged Scapula

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