Friday, April 29, 2011

Part IV Mock Exam -

[Holding at Day 458]

" 3 more tri's and you can move on with how you want to live your life!"

I've got to remind myself of the comment left yesterday - 3 more tri's. I can't honestly say with a ton of certainty that I'll graduate after 3 Tri's but, that is the current course I am on.

I know I don't ever want to spend any more of my life doing all the driving I'm doing now.

From 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. we had Mock Exams which simulated Part IV National Boards. I think it was a very valuable experience. I had about seven stations to go through which included two orthopedic/neurologic examinations, case history, two adjusting stations, one abdominal exam and one heart/lung station.
As usual we had another Gonstead Exam this morning and I think I got a 100% on this one.

Part II National Board scores came back and I was a bit stunned to find that I passed 5 out of the 6 sections. It looks like I missed passing Chiropractic Practices by about two questions but, if it was that close then I really need to learn that stuff better anyway. I'm totally relieved I don't have to take all 6 sections again which is what happens if you fail two or more sections.

I've been listening to a lot of neurology on my commutes lately since I'm sick of listening to lectures so, I got a completely unabridged copy of a book called The Changing Brain which deals a lot with neural plasticity. I think this is going to be my topic for my Senior Research Project.

Now that this day is behind me it looks like I will be going to Minnesota tomorrow. It's a nutty schedule since I'll be arriving at 12:45 p.m. saturday and leaving at 1:55 on Sunday - a quick 25 hour & 10 minute stay.

Monday is the final day for the Part IV board reviews as well as the morning Gonstead class which will be meeting every day from Monday through & including Saturday the 7th.

Outpatient clinic starts this coming Tuesday ...I *think* at 11:30 a.m. then also on Wednesday and Friday evenings which means I'll be finishing up Gonstead at 10 a.m. then have a 5 1/2 hour gap until I start clinic in St Peters ... ...yes, I still think there's some A-holes who have found it necessary to implement a "new" no exception rule to changing clinics.
Hell, we had one guy assigned to a clinic who dropped out of HCP so what about that spot?

Oops - Dang, am I still pissed about that drive? yeah, guess I am.

not really focused here & need to get moving.

Today's picture is of one excessively cute little girl named Snow who reminds me that some things are worth living for.

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