Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tri-9 Wk 1 - Days 528, 529 - Wed & Thur, 9/7, 9/8

I think I have the numbers portion of this blog all caught up. I sort of shut down a few days prior to last semester ending. kind of stayed shut down. and...I don't usually blog between semesters and have far less enthusiasm for school here then when I started.

Let's see... what's going on? I was able to make a deal with my dxi teacher to attend an extra 10 hours worth of radiology conferences in exchange for being able to take the final exam in spite of my absences. I had to give Dr. Kettner the 10 hours regardless of whether I passed his final or not. I thought it was a pretty cool deal. I accepted the deal and did pass the final and the class. kind of impressive when you consider i wasn't in class the last few weeks and took the final cold without any studying.

This is the kind of deal that Dr. K has made with students in the past and I know there was one other student in our class that made the same deal with him. It makes sense since those Rad Conferences are every bit as educational as the classroom atmosphere would be.

But .... the powers to be who make decisions about the school .... and, why is it the people most removed from the classrooms are butting in to things they know less about then the teachers?

anyway - they haven't let Dr K change my grade from an AF (attendance fail) to a passing grade. so...that means I can't officially sign up for my classes, can't get any of the sylabus' or class materials and don't really know what my classes will end up being. Can't get my student loan check either.

As is, I just have to retake Rheumatology which, I had a B or B+ in (depending on how much the extra credit I did helped) due to an AF I got in that class. Rheum is just a two hour class held on Mondays so, the rest of the week I would just take courses with my regular class. It's kind of a nice situation since I get to end taking classes with my original class then get to see all the rest of my classmates who are in the current Tri-8 class.

anyway, essentially we have yet another in a LOOOOONG list of impromptu changes by people who have no actual experience with the current program and have no idea what things are like as is.

Oh well, my primary focus right now has to be for the National Boards, Part III & PT coming up in about a week - next Friday, Sat & Sun. I'll just keep showing up for my classes as best as I can figure them out.

Today's pic will be my second completed painting, it's another guitar and this one is called the Electric Leah. Next painting will be done on Thursday, Sept 22nd. It's going to be Grapes! and it's pretty cool ;)

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