Tuesday, June 15, 2010

TRI-5, Wk6, Days 290 & 291 - Mon & Tue

Well, I've never put so much time and effort into getting a couple C's like I got today and yesterday. These test kind of went beyond basic knowledge as taught in class. In Cardio, for example, it wasn't just enough to know what all the wiggles on an EKG readout meant but we had questions such as, "Consider a pt on an antidepressant...." ....then I'm wondering if this is an SSRI type anti-depressant or perhaps an amphetamine - ..probably SSRI but, geez... not exactly something we covered a great deal in class.

I'm thinking the extra credit we were given on this test should help out quite a bit. We had 10 different EKG strips and I felt pretty good about my answers. I can spot a 4:3 2nd degree AV Wenkebach heart block from a mile away - and I did on the extra credit (teacher confirmed it when I handed it in) There were only 35 questions on the cardio dx exam but the teacher still gave us a full two hours to work on it.

It seems like the things we are taught in class we are simply expected to know, it's not so much what we're tested over but rather a baseline of knowledge upon which other questions may be asked.

I got a slightly higher grade in Phys Dx. That test was much more detailed than I was expecting but, now I know and believe I'll do better on the next test.

I think I'm getting used to the longer days - 15 hours yesterday and 13 hours today ...just the way it's probably going to be for my remaining couple years. I've heard in the last few trimesters we don't have a break between semesters since we'll be working clinic duty.

oh well - we've got a Lab Dx exam on Thursday so, I've got to finish learning and memorizing all that baseline knowledge then start digging into the details behind a couple dozen diagnostic test. Piece of cake! :)

Today's picture is of a capillary tube after it's been spun in a centrifuge. We get to test our blood this Thursday after our blood draw for hematocrit levels and the pic of the tube is what ours tubes should look like.

just thinking ...from our original class size projections, Phys Dx was the 2nd most failed class last trimester so, at least I'm ahead of that curve. Well, better get to memorizing a few dozen lab values before i go to bed tonight.

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