Wednesday, February 17, 2010

TRI-4, Wk6, Day 225 - Wednesday

I got a comment on yesterday's post asking about going with Irene Gold and NBS so I'll post an answer here as well as send Ann a copy via an email address she left me.

Hi Ann,

I am doing both, Irene Gold and NBS. NBS is something that is provided by the school so it isn't anything extra we have to pay for at Logan. During the last two days of this month (Thursday and Friday) as well as the first two days of next month (Monday and Tuesday) our regularly scheduled classes at Logan will be replaced with the NBS and we'll be reviewing those 4 days from about 7:30 a.m. to around 4:30 p.m. In addition to those four days of prep, we also had a Spinal Anatomy boot camp a few weeks ago on a Saturday and last Friday, NBS gave us a two hour practice exam which covered all 6 sections we'll be tested on for Part I of National Boards.

Keep in mind that part of the reason for signing up for the extra Irene Gold prep is 1, because I didn't know any better and 2, I figured I could use all the help I can get. The cost for Irene Gold, by signing up in advance, was $325.00. We met on three different weekends which included Friday night from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. then again on Sat and Sun from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The first two weekend meetings started with the first two weeks of school then we had a two week break then another full weekend. It can be kind of exhausting but we lucked out on two of the weekends due to holidays (MLK day & Presidents day)
Irene Gold does boast a 95-97% pass rate for Part I. We'll see. I'm figuring if I do pass everything then I'll probably try it again. I am pretty certain though that without Irene Gold on the weekends that I probably would not have spent so much time (if any) reviewing.

So far, it seems both have value. I haven't been through as much yet with NBS. Feel free to keep in touch - ...

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