Monday, February 15, 2010

TRI-4, Wk5, Day 223 - Friday

I was only home for about 6 hours on Friday night and spent the night at a hotel out in the St. Louis area Saturday night due to the Irene Gold but, IG is all over now. Next round of prep for the National Boards will be with a company called NBS - National Boards Specialist. These rounds of prep will take place of our classes and occur during the week, most notably on the last Thursday & Friday of this month and the first Monday and Tuesday of next month.
There are only 5 weeks left until National Boards, Part I.

We have a neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) test this coming Wednesday so I'll need to focus on that today. I totally appreciate having today off because of Presidents Day. It's kind of tough to spend all weekend reviewing then have to go straight back to school.

Our philosophy teacher, Dr. Montgomery, DC was sharing some photos w/ the class last week. He did some work with Olympic athletes back in the late 80s or early 90s and we saw another example of where the classic (ie, MD route) recommendation for a swimmer w/ shoulder problems was surgery but Dr. Montgomery was able to fix the athlete up WITHOUT surgery and that athlete went on to win 7 gold medals.

I keep thinking of the "do no harm" axiom and wonder why MD's aren't more aware of treatments which are more conservative than surgery yet still provide good results.

OK - got my notes - The young ladies name was Janet Evans and she won 8 gold medals (according to my notes). Dr. Montgomery worked on her at the Olympic training center out in Colorado Springs. I'd say the treatment alternative to surgery provided some pretty good results.

Today's picture is of Janet Evans - her name was all I needed to punch in the Google search engine to get a plethora of info & pictures. :)

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