I don't have all these memorized like the lower extremities but that's probably because we just started learning them.
I know we have extrinsic and intrinsic back muscles and those can be further catagorized as superficial, intermediate and deep - let's see what's in my head.
For superficial extrinsic back muscles we have the more well known muscles such as the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, major and minor rhomboids and the lesser known levator scapula. A major function of these muscles is to attach the arms to the torso. for intermediate extrinsic back muscles we merely have the posterior serretus muscles, both inferior and superior.
now ...about those intrinsic muscles -..... splenius capitus and splenius cervicis - the cover the deep muscles in the neck and that's it for the superficial layer of the intrinsic muscles -
NOW - we get to a Mnemonic I made up to remember the intermediate and deep muscles of the back (at least that's how I'm thinking of them at this point)
I Love Spines - Spine Muscles Rock!
I - Iliocostalis
L - longissimus
S - Spinalis
S - semispinalis
M - Multifidus
R - Rotatores
and I like to put an Italian accent on the Rotatores muscles!
the three muscles from I Love Spines make up the erector muscles and in the order I L S that is the order they run laterally to medially which works out nice because the most medial muscle is the spinalis muscle and the most medial position on the back just happens to be the spine.
and the Spine Muscles Rock part of the Mnemonic runds from lateral to medial also (sort of) I guess you might say superficial to deep but, I know what I'm talking about - the Semispinalis comes first, then the Multificus and the deepest little muscle is the Rotatores!
I volunteered for a multifidus study at school and my first ultra sound was today at 11:30 a.m.
The multifidus muscles are found in the lower back.
I'm tired - quite tired - very tired - sooo need to sleep - I so much would like an extra 2 hours each day. One hour would be spent on extra sleep and the other hour could be studying or working out :D
btw - we had another FANTASTIC speaker today we got to listen to in our philosophy class - this guy really rocked.
coffee isn't having the effect i was looking for - i'm going to have to get up super early tomorrow to get a couple extra hours of studying in - i've also got to print out some documents for my spinal analysis class ....i should really order some ink for my home printer for times like this.
let's see ...what did that guy say today ....can't locate the notes - will follow up - can't keep eyes open any longer -
G'nite all! :)
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