That quadratus muscle is probably designed in such a way as to help straighten out the FDL tendon so those tendons aren't pulling the toes to flex them at a 45 degree angle - simply amazing.
18 muscles in the platar foot - Let's name them from memory!
Layer 1 - abductor hallicus, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimi
Layer 2 - quadratus plantae, and 4 lumbrical muscles (1 medial and 3 lateral)
Layer 3 - flexor hallucis brevis, flexor digiti minimi brevis and adductor hallucis
Layer 4 - dorsal interossei and plantar interossei
the 4 dorsal interossei act to abduct the toes 2-4 and the 3 plantar interossei act to adduct toes 3, 4 & 5 :)
I still have a lot to learn and get down before the test tomorrow so I'd better get to bed soon - I'm thinking 2-3 sleep cycles ...I'm really going to have to catch up.
There's also a meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 with members of Pi Kappa Chi which should be interesting. :)
I really need to make waves for moving out to that area ...the drive is killing me ...degredating me physically, taking time away from my studies, taking time away from my sleep, taking time away from when I'd otherwise want to stay at school but leave to miss rush hour.
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