Friday, March 16, 2012

Tri-10 Wk10 Day? - Friday 3/15/12 - 2 days away...

2 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes until Part III.

9:54 a.m. - 1 day, 22 hours, 5 minutes until Part III....

I think I need to go for quantity over quality. I very much like going in depth with things... diseases, etiologies and so forth but I can probably be better served with simple associations.

Quick review - DR CUMA
Drop Wrist - Radial Nerve
Claw Hand - Ulnar Nerve
Median Nerve - Ape Hand

for shoulder orthopedic test: CAADDYS
Codman's - rotator cuff
Apley's - ROM
Apprehension - Chronic Disclocation
Dugas' - Dislocation (Kocker's maneuver)
Dawbarn's - Bursitis
Yerguson's - Bicipital tendon instability (transverse humeral ligament)
Speed's - Tendonitis

Cervical Orthopedic Test
Compression, Jackson's, Maximal - IVF encroachment
Spurling's - disc & IVF encroachment
Bakody's - (Xu pain) nerve root syndrome
Shoulder depressor - nerve root adhesions
distraction - nerve root v. musculoskeletal
O'Donohue - Sprain v sprain
Soto Hall's - General
Lhermitte's - Cord degeneration (MS)

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