Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tri-8 Wk14, Day 520 - Monday, 8/8

Over the weekend I received a letter from Logan stating I had AF'd Dx Imaging. AF stands for Attendance Failure and means I have to take the class over. I didn't make it in time for Rheumatology this morning so I also have AF'd that class as well. I love the trite, arrogant advice that gets tossed my way sometimes such as the brilliant Tx of "you need to get more sleep". No shit Sherlock, I think to myself. As Dr. Kuhn had pointed out in class one time, "it's not as simply as turning a page in a book" which, is pretty much my situation. If any of my unsolicited advisors had any clue what they were talking about they would know there's a bit more to the story and Tx then just "get more sleep".

Varieties of the "Walk in my Shoes" is a is a status post I've seen a lot on Facebook lately and that's kind of what I think when I hear such flippant advise. Try waking up with 30% less oxygen then you went to bed with, see how that feels and how well you can function. Try driving an average of over 650 miles per week for school and spending about as much time sitting in your car as you do in class and try doing all this when you're 45 as opposed to being in your 20s.

...insert a couple hour time gap here...

looks like this gets finished later...


  1. Been thinking about you recently. Glad I popped in. Hang in there. Refocus, take a deep breath. It will all work out.

    You, good chiropractors, are needed out here.


  2. Hi scott,
    I am a student who is looking into chiropractic college. You think i could give you a hollar sometime and ask you a few questions? I enjoy reading your blog, its really really cool to learn about the inside of school. If thats cool to pick your brain a little shoot me an email one day to shaneacobb@yahoo.com

    thanks dude! Hang in there!

  3. Hey..as a loyal blog reader, I was wondering what was going on. I miss your updates!

    And Shane, Logan is not the greatest school at this point in time. I'd look into other schools like Parker, Palmer, Northwestern. This is coming from an alumni.
