Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tri-8 Wk14, Day 520 - Monday, 8/8

Over the weekend I received a letter from Logan stating I had AF'd Dx Imaging. AF stands for Attendance Failure and means I have to take the class over. I didn't make it in time for Rheumatology this morning so I also have AF'd that class as well. I love the trite, arrogant advice that gets tossed my way sometimes such as the brilliant Tx of "you need to get more sleep". No shit Sherlock, I think to myself. As Dr. Kuhn had pointed out in class one time, "it's not as simply as turning a page in a book" which, is pretty much my situation. If any of my unsolicited advisors had any clue what they were talking about they would know there's a bit more to the story and Tx then just "get more sleep".

Varieties of the "Walk in my Shoes" is a is a status post I've seen a lot on Facebook lately and that's kind of what I think when I hear such flippant advise. Try waking up with 30% less oxygen then you went to bed with, see how that feels and how well you can function. Try driving an average of over 650 miles per week for school and spending about as much time sitting in your car as you do in class and try doing all this when you're 45 as opposed to being in your 20s.

...insert a couple hour time gap here...

looks like this gets finished later...

Tri-8 Wk13, Day 519 - Friday, 8/5

I had this day off from clinic, for which I am extremely grateful.

I painted a picture the night before in honor of my new nephew. I called the painting The Wyatt Gibson. I'll toss up a picture of this and keep catching up with my blog entries. :) The painting is acrylic on canvas.

New Baby!

Tri-8 Wk13 Day 518, Thursday 8/4

My brother and his wife had a new baby boy this morning at 7:01 a.m. and named him Wyatt John Dukowitz!

I'll toss up a picture of the lil critter and move on to catch up on my Friday blog ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The vacation day that never was ....

Tri-8 Wk14, Day 517, Wed, 8/3

I was hoping to take off tonight so I could more adequatly study for my PT III practical tomorrow but, after a couple members of the "staff" expressed concerns over my vacation request I acquiesced and withdrew the request. Guess what? The patient never showed up anyway. It's sort of an every other type even with that person ...
grrrrrr .... is about all i can say.

so, i will end this tri with more than enough clinic hours and two unused vacation days.
Those vacation days have gone way down.
Based on once a week clinic duty and three days off and a 15 week semester - 3/15 = 0.20 or 20% vacation rate.
at three days a week for 15 weeks with 6 vacation days ... 6/(15x3) = 6/45 = 0.13 or 13%

at 5 days per week for 15 weeks with 6 vacation days... 6/(15x5) = 6/75 = 0.08 or 8%

and ..5 days per week for 15 weeks with 4 vacation days = 4/75 = 0.05 or 5%

so, we slaves have the vacation days cut from 20% to 13% to 8% to 5%

anyway - it was kind of bullshit for me to give in - guess it's my fault but WTF. just give us our f*cking vacation days without any hassle.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tri-8 Wk13, Days 515 & 516, Mon & Tue, 8/1 & 8/2

shit ....

I've got a PT III final practical on Thursday and tried taking tomorrow off so I could study for the class which I've scarcely been to but, after submitting my vacation request I found out I have a patient scheduled ...I didn't actually schedule them, it's something the front desk took care of which is fine ....

As is kind of customary these days, I fell asleep soon after I got home tonight which means, by 5:30 p.m. since I actually got off work at 3:30 today and got up about an hour ago (11:30 p.m.) but, not I'm not exactly sure when I'm going to be able to get enough study time in for this exam on Thursday. Since I just got up I could maybe stay up but once tomorrow starts it won't end until I get home at 8 p.m. which means it will be *really* hard to continue to stay up to study for that exam.

Hell, i could fall back asleep now. Maybe not. I'm just pissed off.

idk- i'm tired - going back to bed - looked over some PT stuff but not really sure exactly what to study ...hence the need for extra time to have any chance of getting through that final.