Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tri-7 Wk11 Day 436, continued (Tuesday)


ended up looking up a lot of terms while in GIUG today so, I'm just going to recap them

tomo-,-tom, -toma, -tomic, -tomize, -tome, -tomical, -tomically, -tomist, -tomous, -tomy

(Greek: cut, incision; section; more often used as a suffix)

Transhiatal Esophagectomy (THE) - removal of the esophagus.

Globus Hystericus - a term given to the sensation of a lump in the throat causing difficulty with swallowing when there is no physical cause.

Achalasia - a rare swallowing disorder that affects about 1 in every 100,000 people.

Secretagogue - a substance that causes another substance to be secreted. One example is gastrin which stimulates the H/K ATPase in the parietal cells.

Esophageal aperistalsis - a rare motor disorder of the espohagus characterized by the inability of the lower esophageal sphincter and esophageal muscle to relax as well as dilation of the esophagus.

Aperistalsis - the absence of peristalsis, i.e., a failure of the normal waves of contraction and relaxation that moves contents through the digestive tract.

Harmatoma - a benign tumorelike growth made up of normal mature cells in abnormal number or distribution.

We also mentioned candidiasis or thrush which is a funcal infection but, I believe this was in reference to THE (transhiatal esophagectomy) and a reason for having to remove the esophagus.
Radial Myotomy - this is a treatment for achalasia. Our teacher seems to prefer botulinum toxin injections.

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