Today was a blur starting around 5 a.m. and not ending until I finished unpacking a few groceries from the car and finally sitting down now at 9 p.m. I pretty much got obliterated on today's Anatomy Test which still has me reeling. I know I put in plenty of time studying but it needs to be more focused and much more efficient. I've scheduled a study group for this Friday night from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. to start studying for our next Anatomy test. Off hand, I know we have a Bio-Chem Lab and Histology test next week in addition to the Anatomy test.
Our Group B dissection team started on our cadaver today and instead of observing, I opted to stay in the library to study for our Anatomy test. I had the following classes today;
Biochemistry Lecture
Our teacher, Dr. Butweiler, has been teaching biochemistry for 30 years.
Spinal Analysis Lecture
We had a couple of Dr's speak to us before class about the National Board exams we'll need to take in order to get licensed - all I remember now is there are four parts and a physiotherapy test and we should save up about $5,000 for all the test.
Cell Biology
Watched a 1/2 hour video today on the basic synthesis of organic molecules using the Miller-Ulrey apparatus
Anatomy 1 Dry Lab
took the test - got humbled - looking forward to our study group on Friday night - better effort is my beacon of hope right now.
Stayed after school for two hours of tutoring in Biochem.
It's only 9 days into school but my 1.5 inch binder is already full so I picked up four more binders tonight at SAMs. I'll be moving Anatomy into a binder of it's own. :)
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