First, to pay my respects to a Great teacher who passed away this past Friday, Dr. Gary Sanders
Mourning the loss of Dr. Gary Sanders, PhD at Logan University. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, contribution to science and strong commitment to helping students like myself. Dr. Sanders has published research in JNMS: The Journal of the Neuromusculoskeletal System, JMPT: Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Chiropractic Technique, The New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology, and others.
Dr. Sanders is on the right in the picture below. As a Pathologist Dr. Sanders once comment that they (pathologist) were often thought of as the Doctor's Dr. Huge loss. I used to talk with him on a pretty regular basis, at least 4 or 5 times a week. His funeral and visitation is tomorrow from noon to 1. I've got clinic. :(
I'm getting stuck here. Here is a public link to my Logan Family album on facebook.
the 41st picture is of Dr. Sanders along w/ my homage to him.
What else is going on....
I did get a very nice comment on my last post from a DO student. He sent me a message that he thought I was an instructor at a med school! That was nice to hear. :)
I've really gotta get more videos up ...especially while I still remember a few things. I know I wanted to do a video on the malate shuffle back from my biochemistry days but I don't quite remember it enough right now to knock out a video. I still retain the gist of that concept :)
The people who were in the top two spots last week aren't even in the top 10 anymore and if either of them would have just maintained their weight loss they would have still been in the top 10 so ....logic dictates that those two had to have gained weight.
Test coming up Friday - another dozen or so classes to look over.
two hours of clinical nutrition and two hours of clinical psychology tomorrow - clinic attire is in the washer & dryer right now -
Got another 6 miles in tonight after school - just walking but, it was on a new path which was nice. Fri, Sat & Sun was pretty much a bust - fell asleep early friday after i got home from clinic and had class all day Sat followed quickly by a super nice dinner then out to some club in St. Louis that was supposed to be all swanky & stuff. Didn't seem like anything all that amazing but, maybe that's just my age talking. Club stuff was quickly followed by Sunday class at Logan.... (yeah, it was a long Sat night...) and getting done with my class on Sunday was quickly followed by more much needed sleep but, I did wake up for an hour around 9 p.m. Sun night then fell asleep until my classes today.