I don't remember the classes so much but I record my classes and listen to them while I'm out walking & jogging at the park. I remember my park lectures :)
I'm liking Advanced biomechanics. We've got a couple younger guys teaching that class, I think they've been out of Logan for about 10 years now. They have some supurlative analogies they give in class.
Rheumatology is taught by Dr. Guebert who is a DACBR and that's always a positive thing. DACBR lectures tend to be fraught with useful information, plenty of meat to those classes as opposed to some other classes where a teacher may be groping to trying and find enough material to talk about to fill their hour of class time which makes me wonder why such a teacher would skip over reading the slides and flipping through things so fast. I guess if I ever teach a class I'll have to remember that.
I did some pretty good work for Nutrition and our Capstone class. Still getting into the groove and handed in a substandard piece of work in week two for Capstone but, had a nice 4 page write up for our week 3 assignment. Also had four pages written up for Nutrition.
The amazing thing about having days off from clinic is that after my shift tonight, i'll actually have 3 days off from clinic!!! YeeHaw!
I do have my specialized technique class this weekend but that still doesn't take away from my day off on Monday! :)
I sent my brother an email asking about the whole CBI thing and if he might be able to inquire at one of his EPOC meetings if anyone was interested in a free intern :)
My training has been going well and it's one thing I can totally count on because it's simply up to me to make happen. My involvement with the Lose to Win competition has been invaluable. There isn't anything too difficult about the working out and dropping weight, in the past few years I just haven't had much focused awareness of the working out because my attention has been so imbued with school stuff. I'm at 60.1 miles total in the last 2 weeks & 4 days and 20 of those miles have come from the last four days :)
I need to get riding my bike since I signed up for a 50 mile bike ride which is in two weeks and I haven't ridden my bike in at least a year!