I've been home for less than an hour but, it's already after 9 p.m. and I'm pretty much obliterated and could fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Let's see ...yesterdays comment asked who's Korina. As I understand things, she was the Director of Social Media at Logan. As far as specifics, one would have to ask the parties involved. To me, the situation reminds me a little of when I worked as a Realtor back in '95. I remember I wanted to bring my computer into the office but that was forbidden. In my situation, I think the technology was a bit too new for the Broker I worked for but, now-a-days that same company does have a website and everything you'd expect of a Real Estate office. Maybe there's some parallels between the two situations. Maybe not.
I had my 2nd patient today. and ....that's about all I can say about that. LOL HIPPA, ya know. My first patient was this past Friday and, looking back, I probably should have come in Saturday to get all the paper work completed. Of course, it wasn't until today that I saw, first hand, how much was involved. Plus, I already had plans to go to the Ozarks Friday night which kind of precluded going into the office on Saturday.
I did catch an email at work another intern was looking at regarding recent firings at Logan. An interesting part was that Dr. Goodman (current president of the college) starting teaching back in 1968...and he's still with the college! That's about as impressive as it gets. 43 years with the same institution.
There was talk a month or so about a letter that was going around - not an email, but an actual letter critiquing the school and top administration. I think part of the gripe was about salary but, the numbers I heard were actually a little lower than I expected.
There's two things I keep in mind regarding the upper echelons of our administration. 1) There's a chiropractic school out West that's closing it's doors after the Summer semester and 2) Logan is putting up *another* brand new building. So, the people in charge must be doing something right.
My personal gripes tend to be indigenous to my own, somewhat unique situation and most can easily be avoided by simply not living an hour away from the school and also by not waiting until you're in your 40s to go to chiro school.
It's damn hard, I can tell you that. It looks like being away from home for 12 to 14 hours a day is going to be pretty standard. I was thinking this morning, it's like with each new thing that pops up there's a feeling of dread and loathing and then you try to accept it the best you can.
The driving is pretty nuts. Without any bad traffic, I'm putting in about 2 hours and 40 minutes of driving per day. Originally, I was mostly concerned with my blood pressure going hypertensive again like it did when Hwy 40 was closed down but, in spite of my drives being longer, the traffic jams aren't near as bad as when that main highway was closed. My main issues tend to be with sleep and upper arm joints - shoulders & elbows along w/ the ever more frequent parasthesia in the arms & hands.
I sort of remember with fondness how blog entries from a year or two ago were more fraught with interesting things that I learned in class. But ...I can't really remember anything from my classes and there's too many to remember without referring to a schedule or writing them out.
hmmm, OK - I looked at the schedule and am not sure what to make of it. There's too many classes to go through at this time.
I have a PT III practical on Thursday and I've still got to get done the Dx Imag (xray) original interpretations and Lab Interpretation, Case 4 by Friday. I need to get a blue sheet for my senior project turned in ASAP. I don't think Neuroplasticity & rehabilitation as it relates to Stroke patients will be my topic anymore because that was Dr. Bub's forte. I'm not sure who I'll get.
I think part of the griping by recent graduates may have had to do with moving classes into Tri-10 which somewhat precluded upper tri students from retaking classes they were unable to get through in previous trimesters such as 7, 8 or 9. I've just got 8 & 9 to get through.
I don't know. One moment at a time here. And, this moment is begging for sleep.
There is some relief with having a patient to care for because it precludes one from becoming too bogged down in their own trite issues. I've got my homeowners insurance paid again ...looks like I had forgot to do that when it was due - just have to get word to the bank that I'm covered again. Banks are kind of particular about that sort of stuff. Property taxes are another concern but, I've been charging almost everything I can to conserve cash. I think I can get by with a grand if I put off Part IV boards until next May. I know my car needs some attention, it sounds & feels like bearings may be going out. I'd like to at least get my tires rotated. Which reminds me - I need to ask off for next Thursday and Friday. Those days will be golden for getting some personal life stuff taken care of. There's maybe a form to fill out at the office for taking vacation days but I'm tempted to send Dr Hogarth an email asking for the days off - at least it might serve as a reminder if he says something to me tomorrow.
Dr. Hogarth is my clinician at St. Peters. He's very good at his job and does a good job tolerating me. Dr. Kane is the other clinician. As interns we get split up between these two doctors. I really wish I had something class related to talk about -- still don't remember anything...let's see ...
Wed - Class - Clinic Meeting - Clinic
Thur - Class - Clinic Case Reviews
Fri - Class - Clinic
Sat - Class
Sun - Class
Monday - Class - Clinic Case Reviews
Tuesday - Class - Clinic
Wednesday - Class - Clinic
and ...hopefully - praying - I can take two vacation days - one on Thur and one on Friday - we don't have school those days due to homecoming which ...is something else I really haven't gotten to enjoy mainly due to the long commute to school.
Geez - i have to get some clothes washed for clinic tomorrow!