Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tri-6 Wk13 Day 389
Monday, November 29, 2010
Tri-6 Wk13, Day 388
[6:50 a.m.] Got some good studying in this weekend. Sunday was especially strong. I started with Neurology before 7 a.m. switched over to CCR around 10:30, went to Logan at 1 for Dx Imag tutoring then ended at China Buffet around 5 p.m. and ready over my Phys Dx.
- 11/30 - Tue - 2hr Pediatrics, 2 hr Pt Communication, 1 hr Dx Imag Tutoring, 2-3hr Div V.
- 12/01 - Wed - 2 hr Phys Dx, 2hr Dx Imag, 2hr Phys Dx Lab - 10 female pelvic exams followed by Comp Board testing for rectal examinations.
- 12/02 - Thu - 2 hr Neurology, 2hr EENT, 3hr CCR
- 12/03 - Fri - 2hr PT, 1hr Phys Dx, no Pro-D I'm thinking ...good day to get a HUGE jump on studying! :)
- 12/06 - Mon - ?
- 12/07 - Tue - Div V Final Practical
- 12/08 - Wed - Phys Dx Exam 4, Phys Dx Lab Final Practical
- 12/09 - Thu - CCR Final Practical
- 12/10 - Fri - Div V Final Exam // Neurology Final Exam (9am & 2pm)
- 12/13 - Mon - Jurisprudence Final Exam // Dx Imag II Final Exam (7:30am & 11:30am)
- 12/14 - Tue - Phys Dx II Final Exam // EENT Final Exam (9am & 2pm)
- 12/15 - Wed - Pediatrics Final Exam // CCR Final Exam (7:30am & 11:30am)
- 12/16 - Thu - Patient Communication Final Exam // Physical Therapy Final Exam (7:30am & 9am)
Friday, November 26, 2010
T6 Wk12, Holding @ 387 - Friday & FOCUS
- Turn Off Television - this normally isn't a concern but, during our holiday break, I've had my television on more often than normal.
- Turn off NetFlix - Netflix isn't much good w/o the television on. I *might* opt for classical music in the background while I study.
- Shut down fgs. this is an extension for facebook games. Obviously, I don't want to be dealing with games if I want to get the most from my study times.
- close all browsers not related to school work. I have 4 sub listings for this which include a) close gmail, b) close Facebook, c) close any IM programs running (usually aren't any other than gmail) and d) minimize bookmark bar. (less to look at means less chance for distraction)
- put in ear plugs, if available ( i have some in now!) :)
- Set phone to silent. I'm not sure how crazy I am about this one but, if my goal is to maximize productivity and focus then it's probably worth doing.
- Set up a time frame to focus on school work. for example, I'll start at 3:15 and stop at 3:45 - basically, I'm just scheduling my time
- no cigarettes. probably good for my health also but, if i have a cigarette in my hand then that's one less hand I can use for typing or turning pages besides. I need to learn to get used to doing things w/o them.
- be showered, cleaned up, dressed and ready to study ....I threw this on one at the end and maybe there's something too it. as long as I'm getting things done I don't much care what I'm wearing or if I've showered or not. However, there could be some positive psychological advantages to getting these basic things done, even on my days off school. It's sort of like that philosophy about "Live each day as if it were on purpose"
Thursday, November 25, 2010
T6 Wk12, Holding at day 387 - Thursday/Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tri-6 Wk12 Day 387 - Four Hours of Class Today :)
[5:10 a.m.] been up since about 4:05. [5:18 a.m.] Found my car keys!!! :)
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Tri-6 Wk12 Day 387 - 5h 42m to Pediatrics
[1:38 a.m.] got coffee brewing. We have a pediatrics exam, a quiz that needs to be knocked out for pediatrics and a couple posters that need to be completed for Patient Communication.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tri-6 Wk12 Day 386 - 3h 35min to Phys Dx II Exam
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Holding at Day 385...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Tri-6 Wk11 Day 385 Fri - T-Minus 3 days to Phys Dx Exam 3
I got an "A" on my EENT exam!!! I was actually a bit giddy when I saw that score last night (Friday) but I don't seem to be as mentally loquacious this morning. A nap may be in order.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tri-6, Wk11 Day 385 Thur. T-Minus 4 days to PhysDx Exam 3, 5 days to Pediatrics
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tri-6, Wk11, Day 384 - Wednesday, T-Minus 5 days to Phys Dx Exam 3 - 14 hours to EENT Exam
- Serosanguineous - a descriptive term for a substance that oozes or is discharged from the body that contains blood & serum.
- Lymphadenopathy - abnormally enlarged lymph nodes.
- periungual desquamation -
- hematuria - blood in the urine
- exanthem - widespread rash usually occurring in children
- erythematous - redness of the skin caused by dilation and congestion of the capillaries
- adenopathy - adenomegaly (enlargement of a lymph node)
- Kawasaki dz - a febrile, exanthematous, multisystem vasculitis of importance because approximately 20% of untreated children will develop coronary artery abnormalities.
Tri-6, Wk11, Days 382, 383 - T-Minus 5 days to Phys Dx Exam 3
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Tri-6, Wk10, Day 381 --- T-Minus 10 Days to Phys Dx Exam 3
- Abdominal Pain - 11 different problems related to ab pain. I noticed I can break these up into about 5 categories. Peptic Ulcer & Dyspepsia and Cancer of the Stomach both deal with stomach type anatomy. The next three problems deal w/ the pancrease - acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis and cancer of the pancreas. Those first five problems would all be in the epigastric region of the abdomen. Moving a little to the right, we encounter the gallbladder which may give us problems such as biliary colic and acute cholecystitis (gallstones). Dropping down to the lower quadrants of the abdomen we have acute appendicitis on the right and acute diverticulitis on the left along with acute mechanical intestinal obstruction. Mesenteric Ischemia makes up #11.
- Dysphagia - there are a lot of medical terms which use the prefix 'dys' which seems to imply problems, difficulties or pain. Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing, dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation, dyspareunia is painful intercourse, dystaxia is difficulty controlling voluntary movements ...hey, i see that word taxi in there and we use taxi's to move about dont' we? Dys is kind of fun, isn't it? :) Anyway, Dysphagia should be an easy table. I've broken it down into two categories, Mechanical vs Motor disorders and for the differential diagnosis we'll say Mechanical involves solid foods and regurgitation while Motor dysphagia involves solids or liquids with repeated swallowing (and no regurgitation).
- Constipation - 12 different types of constipation ...right now I know that an obstructing lesion such as diverticulitis, volvulus, intussusception or heria involves abdominal distention which I should be able to use as a differential since I didn't see that listed with any of the other problems although ...I would think a symptom of pregnancy under the heading of Metabolic Conditions would probably produce some abdominal distention...
- Diarrhea - two full pages and no less than 10 different types of diarrhea! I know the Osmotic type diarrhea's involve large volumes. I did learn a new word here, "tenesmus" which is when you're straining to go but aren't quite getting the job done.
- Black and Bloody Stools - Here we learn the word melena which refers to passage of black, tarry, sticky shiny stools ...enough said.
- Frequency, Nocturia and Polyuria - here we're talking about urination... how often you go, going at night and going a lot. We don't have to know this table for our exam. :)
- Urinary Incontinence - nope, no urine on this exam, not in this class but, we did spend several days on urine in Laboratory Diagnosis last trimester.
- Localized Bulges in the Abdominal Wall - only 5 things in this table. We have 3 hernias (Umbilical, Incisional and Epigastric) along with Lipoma and Diastasis Recti. I think I have a bit of diastasis recti. Fortunatelly it has no clinical consequences.
- Protuberant Abdomens - We're supposed to know 6 F's for this table but between listening to the lectures and checking my notes I've only been able to account for five F's. Maybe teacher made a mistake when she said six. Anyway, here's five F's: Fat, Fluid, Tumor, Flatulence, Fertile (pregnancy). I know the word tumor doesn't start with an F but I can't remember what F word was used... I'll leave the word tumor in the middle of my list, then I'll refer to it as the swingman between the first two and last two F's.
- Sounds in the Abdomen - Bowel Sounds, Bruits, Venous Hum, Friction Rubs. On this page I have highlighted "Rushes of high-pitched sounds coinciding with an abdominal cramp indicate intestinal obstruction.
- Tender Abdomens - Abdominal Wall tenderness, Visceral tenderness, Acute Pleurisy, Acute Salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes), Acute Cholecystitis, Acute pancreatitis, acute appendicitis and acute diverticulitis. I actually already know this table since it seems to mainly refer to the location of the various issues. Just need basic anatomy for this one! :)
- Liver Enlargement: Apparent and Real - Livers can be smooth, irregular, displaced downward or have normal variations in shape. I'm not sure what question would be asked from this table but, it does remind me of the first liver I ever removed from a cadaver because that liver was so HUGE that it wrapped around to the left of the abdomen all the way around to the back!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tri-6, Wk10, Day 380 --- T-Minus 11 Days
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tri-6, Wk10, Days 377, 378, 379, Mon, Tue, Wed
- Blumberg - rebound tenderness - peritoneal irritation & appendicitis
- Cullen - Ecchymosis around ummbilicus - hemoperitoneium; pancreatitis; ectopic pregnancy
- Dance - Absence of bowel sounds in the right lower quadrant - intussusception
- Grey Turner - ecchymosis of flanks - hemoperitoneum; pancreatitis
- Kehr - abdominal pain radiating to left shoulder - spleen rupture; renal calculi; ectopic pregnancy
- McBurney - rebound tenderness & sharp pain when McBurney point is palpated - appendicitis
- Murphy - abrupt cessation of inspiration on palpation of gallbladder - cholecystitis
- Rovsing - Right lower quadrant pain intensified by left lower quadrant abdominal palpation - peritoneal irritation; appendicitis
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tri-6, Wk9, Day 376, Friday - Scheduling Tri-7
Thursday, November 4, 2010
update - Dxi II Midterm Written - 90%!!!!!
Tri-6, Wk9, Day 375, Thursday
"look at the rotation of the head" says Dr. Bub as we watch the fight video at the start of our 2nd hour of Neurology.
Neurology is a pretty fun class. Our teacher, Dr. Bub, always starts the 2nd hour of our lecture with a fun video that's related to what we're learning in class. I had an idea of putting down a few lines in my blog during each class but, that first line was all I had time for – Waaaay too much material to spend time doing anything other than trying to absorb everything coming our way.
Dr. Bub did go over some of our fill in the blank questions from our midterm so I was able to copy them down to review. Here is a sample of one of our questions;
QUESTION: Your 72 year old hypertensive patient presents in your office one morning complaining that he has noticed difficulty walking because his right leg is weak. He states that his right arm feels like it is getting weak too and he is dropping things from his right hand because he cannot hold onto them. He also cannot get his right arm up over his head to comb his hair. He has also noticed that he seems to have double vision when both eyes are open. If he closes one eye, his vision is fine. This all started several weeks ago and it seems to be getting worse over time. During the history, his speech is fluent and memory/recall is good. One examination you notice that his left eyelid seems to be drooping (blepharoptosis). His left pupil is 7mm and the right pupil is 3mm. On testing the extraocular muscles, he could not elevate, depress, or adduct the left eye, but abduction of the eye was fine. When asked to smile, the left side of the mouth did not elevate, but both sides of the forehead wrinkled. There is weakness, increased done and hyper-reflexia noted in the right upper and lower extremities. A right sided Babinski sign was present. On finger to nose testing on the left there is no ataxia or tremor, however, on the right, the patient had difficulty elevating the right arm sufficiently to attempt the test.
38. What is the significance of his speech being fluent and recall being good?
39-40 List 6 abnormalities noted in the examination and the structure/part of the nervous system responsible for the demonstrated abnormality.
Internet in the classroom was a lifesaver today. Both of our teachers (neuro and EENT) had posted new powerpoint presentations just before class and I was able to download both ppt's and copy the pics & verbage into my notes.
There's a lot to get figured out this weekend before signing up for my Tri-7 specialty classes. We got info on Irene Gold Part II National Boards prep today and that will be taking place on the Friday's and weekends of Jan 7-9, Feb 11-13 and Feb 18-20.
Hmmm, that's not too bad. My IHS weekend classes don't start until March but I also think we'll be taking our Part II Boards in March but haven't been able to find the date yet. The NBSE website doesn't have the new schedules up.
hehehe ….just checking my mail – I've got library fines for $10.75 so my in class internet has probably already paid for itself because I usually check my logan.edu email in class and can quickly renew my books online if I get a notice my books are overdue. In Tri-1 I had over $150 in library fines!
I better get some school work done before bed. We have our PT class tomorrow morning. I have a feeling I don't have the correct PT book for that class and I bought every PT book that was in our Tri-6 section from the bookstore. It seems the books we specifically use for the class are kept in different areas.
Oh, I played doctor today in our Clinical Reasoning class. Last week I caught a fracture that the ER docs missed and this week I pretty much called the diagnosis right off the bat …well, it wasn't really all that difficult, just a broken radius at the distal end but, I did know it was called a Collies fx. It's kind of tough to have to go through all the hx and examination procedures when you know you just need to get some x-rays taken of the patient.
Today's pic – We're going over Imbalance Vertigo & Hearing Loss in EENT and today's picture is from that lecture. It's called Frenzel lenses and gives a magnified view of the eyes (in case you didn't notice) J